- Barking
- Adjusting to the crate ?
- Interesting News
- Yappy Pupster
- Housetraining Tips
- Sleeping Trouble
- Help! My male is making me go crazy
- I need some help with my run away Yorkie
- Potty Machine!
- Canine Combined Training
- Pet a Potty
- Training to Signal
- teacup potty training
- crate training during the day
- Treats for going potty????
- Yapping, jumping, over excitement
- All night in crate?
- potty trouble
- The Alpha role
- Is This Common?
- I need advise in how to use a leash
- Crate Training Help!
- Inside or outside?
- Litter Box Training
- I'm a new yorkie owner who needs some advice!
- Please.. Help??? :(
- Nipping and jumping
- Potty training
- 6 week old puppy
- Belly Bands?
- Help! My male yorkie is urinating on furniture!
- WizDog questions
- alarm clock
- Puppy Pads VS Going Outside???
- Fighting Females!! Need Help
- It Really Worked......
- Is it too late?
- Training, Choke Chains, halters, etc.
- Potty Training Help
- Night time potty/barking advice
- What type of treats do you use???
- For those who want to train your Yorkie
- tricks
- Wonderful Website on Clicker Training
- How do you catch a Yorkie??
- What could happen if she holds in her poop for too long?
- Obedience Classes
- 6monthe and still training, please help...
- My Yorki is attacking my other dog. Please Help.
- *#^(&@# DOG!!!!!
- New "Breed" of training harness reviewed in Whole Dog Journal
- Excellent book to train puppies and older dogs
- More Questions About Poop
- Poopy Dance
- New Puppy SCREAMS all night....
- Help Bell started peeing in the house!!
- Really hard time potty training - HELP PLEASE!!
- Wizdog success
- barking during the night
- Will Not Go Outside By Himself
- help!
- Tiny but snappy
- Bells
- Need help with Potty Training
- "Sit"
- How Long is Too Long?
- The Dog Whisperer!
- Training stick
- Still not potty trained
- Luca Dean's Training Progress!
- Potty training inside and out
- Potty training 2nd dog
- Potty problems!
- Where does your yorkie sleep?
- Training older Yorkie ?
- Would like your opinion on potty training
- "Fake Pee-ing"
- Weewee pad warning!
- Wizdog
- Peepee King
- Yelping when confined to crate?
- Tips on Pee-Pad Training?
- Starting to train my Mia.....
- Mr Smarty Pants
- Dolce finally mastered the SIT command!!!
- Train Your Yorkie In One Weekend!
- Yorkies as Earthdogs (working terriers)
- New members, Joy and Louis. Please share tips 4 teaching Yorkie tricks & obedience!
- Potty training help needed for new puppies
- pooping everywhere
- help.....
- I think my pup is eating her poop
- the yo-yo housebroken yorkie...
- will she ever be trained!!
- Looking for a pet potty...
- Biting
- Fly Ball
- Still going the bathroom in crate
- growth of my new baby boy
- Is anyone training there Yorkie to go outside?
- Going Around Poles
- Conditioning Techniques for Training
- Crate Training
- Destruction!
- Training Books
- Pee Pads
- New Baby Yorkie!
- are you all using pee pee pads
- Owen is a go"in".
- potty training
- Paper train or outdoors?Which is Easier?
- Potty Training
- Help Yorkie wont stop barking
- Belly Bands
- Did I see Yoda on Animal Planet???
- Clicker Training
- Isn't it miraculous.....
- Help!! Sammi is doing pee pee on my bed!!
- Dog bites!!
- Help!!
- Help! Bella will not sleep
- Toto Spoke!!!!
- I KNEW they could understand us!!!
- YIKES! I'm tired ......
- Whoda thought it!!??
- Update on Toto's "Trainer"
- Yorkie Tricks?
- Stop Them from Begging?
- Jumping off the Furniture
- Terrible twos?????
- training not to cry???
- Yorkie growth
- Training Issues