
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Help with temper tantrums
  2. Free Feed?
  3. Food and water at night???
  4. At the end of my rope with pee pad "missage"
  5. Favorite Spot: Pee Pad
  6. Anyone know how to stop a yorkie from chewing up his bed?
  7. at the end of my rope and frustrated
  8. I am so frustrated that I am about to cry!!
  9. Dog Litter and Litter box training
  10. Retraining... pee pads
  11. Terrible Biting Problem
  12. Water in the crate
  13. okay i have 2 problems i need help with
  14. Going From Outside Training To Inside Pee Pads, Any Suggestions?
  15. Cesar Millan's methods
  16. crate and xpen issue
  17. How do I teach "sit"?
  18. Protecting her crate? Aggression
  19. why potty in the kennel?
  20. Jumping on people:
  21. Rico BITES!
  22. Of course Potty Training Issues
  23. Its Me or The Dog
  24. Belly bands
  25. How to Teach My Yorkie To Stay
  26. Barking
  27. potty issues
  28. what do you say when you take them out to potty??
  29. Help. Spayed 2 weeks ago!
  30. long road ahead....
  31. Any Therapy Dogs Out There???
  32. Some Potty Training Solutions
  33. Sudden Hesitation Of Usual Potty Place
  34. I Admit It... (throwing up an SOS!!)
  35. Very Desperate !
  36. Cat vs Brody
  37. How long before a puppy can go up and down stairs?
  38. Training Class
  39. Good Growling
  40. Moving the crate
  41. Location of pee pads
  42. Any one out there using bells for potty training?
  43. Still Desperate
  44. How long does it take for them to stop
  45. Growling Yorkie
  46. Crate size
  47. My dogs are so different! I need help!
  48. Teaching "Down" command
  49. 2 dogs, 1 crate?
  50. Help!! My 6 Month Yorkie Need Potty Advice!!
  51. growling and biting!!
  52. Alteritive To A Muzzle
  53. New graduates!
  54. Help! How to stop male pups from hiking leg to pee inside on furniture and doorways
  55. Teddy's screaming problem
  56. why is she peeing and pooping in her crate and laying in it
  57. Where to purchase washable pads?
  58. Outside Potty Training.....
  59. Obedience Training
  60. Digging up potted flowers
  61. Puppy Socialization
  62. Leg lifting help
  63. Odor & Stain Removers
  64. Potty Pads
  65. Wet bed
  66. Help! We're regressing
  67. biter , pooper, and terror ..
  68. Whats a Mother To Do !!!!!
  69. electric fencing
  70. HELP - Another Potty Training Question
  71. Tyra wants to sleep in my bed!!!!!!!
  72. my lil terror :)
  73. Biting
  74. From inside training to outside
  75. Crate training Needs help
  76. Inside vs outside potty training????
  77. We need some help!!!
  78. Same ole story with a twist
  79. Newbie Question?!
  80. SUPER possessive
  81. is it easy??
  82. How to train a yorkie the down and hand command?
  83. Need some advice...
  84. I have a part time humper.
  85. how do you train 'come"????
  86. yorkie tricks ?
  87. Coco stopped pooping on the pad
  88. i have NO idea !!!!! =[
  89. Mess in the Play Pen
  90. How to teach "fetch"??
  91. Sit means Sit
  92. At what age?
  93. Why must she be so friggin' stubborn!
  94. Pooping outside?
  95. Diapers on Pups
  96. 6 months old - the terrible two's!?
  97. is this a game or not?
  98. Newbie with a problem.
  99. anyone have success using diaper as training aid?
  100. Training Treats?
  101. Not the first time She pee'd on the bed
  102. Can't poop on the training pads!!
  103. Molly Bit a Stranger!
  104. CGC then on to therapy
  105. How to make dog from going under bed
  106. Getting up earlier and earlier . . .
  107. Pooping/Pee Area Question
  108. What does Rambo do all day??!!
  109. Desperatley in Need of help
  110. My little I making it worse?
  111. Going for walks
  112. Growling?
  113. Another Potty Training Plee for help!
  114. Another potty training question!!!
  115. Moving and need advice..
  116. Oh No!!!! Peeing on MY BED!!!1
  117. gross gross gross....WHY would you eat that??
  118. Please help im not getting ANY sleep
  119. Over two and still soiling the carpet
  120. Shredding pee pads, should I just give up?
  121. Another stupid question from me.
  122. Dog Master Training System
  123. Help!!!!me
  124. Some Help please!!
  125. how come he only bites me?????
  126. Litter Box Users...What works for you?
  127. Am I making progress?
  128. Little boy peeing
  129. Any advice on walking please.
  130. Ugh, potty situation!!!
  131. Learning Manners with other Dogs
  132. Step By Step PT
  133. Im so tired!!! She's killing me!
  134. Help!!!!Potty Training
  135. Potty pad training question...
  136. house training
  137. Random Potty Questions
  138. My male yorkie (1yrs) doesn't let me know when he has to go anymore
  139. Help! My yorkie is chewing the walls...
  140. scared to potty in front of me?
  141. Peeing near kibble?
  142. Help! I need some new direction.
  143. Looking 4 trainer in Los angeles, CA
  144. Chloe's not nice
  145. Best Training Treats
  146. Barking little boy!
  147. I dont know what to do with her anymore..:(
  148. New to Yorkies.
  149. Housetraining at home, office, and other places
  150. Petsmart Training
  151. Yorkie biting
  152. Should I get a Yorkie?
  153. Lucy starts Puppy Training Classes tonight!
  154. Getting Educated
  155. 9 month old yorkie that is STILL not housebroken
  156. New puppy in the house
  157. crate re-training
  158. leash training HELP!!
  159. Chewed hole in carpet!
  160. Poopy eatting Puppy
  161. Potty training little boys...
  162. Some questions about a yorkie that I found....
  163. Marking and Neutering
  164. Changing Location Of Pee Pad.
  165. Too old to train?
  166. Very Timid Little Girl
  167. Tearing up the pad!
  168. Is Invisible Fencing Right For Yorkies?
  169. Potty Training Miracle!!!
  170. More problems!
  171. More Potty Woes =/
  172. Training a bratty tiny??
  173. Is it the terrible Twos?
  174. Marking in the house
  175. Newbie :)
  176. potty training
  177. :confused: Playing or Fighting??? :confused:
  178. How do I walk my puppy? :/
  179. Okay, need some encouragement and advice...
  180. New yorkie --- need help pad training
  181. Biting..Water Bottle Spray Training HELP
  182. Earth Dog demonstration
  183. How to leash train???
  184. Potty Training
  185. Zoey is becoming vicious!!
  186. Help me!!!!
  187. Why won't my yorkie potty outside consistently???
  188. House Training
  189. She Bites lol
  190. frustration
  191. Problems with our Yorkie and new Shitzu
  192. Lucy learned to sit!
  193. Im Sooo Proud :)
  194. snappy sally
  195. Please help - older pup HATES Kids
  196. Dog on the TABLE!! EEEEEEECK!
  197. I can't get Lucy to potty
  198. Spray Bottle?
  199. Fighting
  200. Help
  201. One More Question.
  202. New to ALL of this!!
  203. Help me~
  204. He used the wee-wee pad!!
  205. potty Training Issues
  206. Potty Training my 7 mo old
  207. Barking IN Crate - HELP
  208. Potty Training my little one....
  209. Size of ball ??
  210. Barking Barking Barking
  211. House Training Question
  212. Chewing on Wee Wee Pad
  213. potty/crate training issues
  214. Training: Come & Stay.
  215. Pee Pee Outside Poo In Crate Wee Wee Pad
  216. Yorkie on the Dog Whisperer
  217. aggression
  218. Ugggh when will the biting end???? :sad:
  219. SitStayFetch dog training course Daniel Stevens
  220. housetraining help
  221. Crying over Lexie
  222. Constantly Begging...
  223. How To Train
  224. Training Ideas Please...
  225. I need a little encouragement...
  226. HELP--Training has gone out the window!
  227. I think I confused C.J. about crate and potty
  228. Crate Training
  229. I'm am SO frustrated!! He's turned into a terror!
  230. Is he too old for training?
  231. Neutralizer question?
  232. She's being a little stinker!!
  233. any advice please?
  234. When To Start Letting Them Have Free Roam?
  235. How was training the 2nd time around??
  236. Potty Trainig issue
  237. why is my TJ being so BAD?!?!
  238. Marcel's Potty Training Went South...
  239. Maybe A Tip to Calm Them Down?
  240. We're back from school!
  241. Yorkie is almost 2 years old and not house trained
  242. oh the chewing...!
  243. Tips on training "down"
  244. The girls are starting "school" tomorrow night
  245. Help Me
  246. Do they stop "marking" the older they get?
  247. Another Barking Question
  248. I just tried the Citronella Collar
  249. Those with Male Yorkies-Lifting Leg Question
  250. She has been peeing in her crate!
