
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Yorkie dandruff ... wrong brush?
  2. dexter is not eating!
  3. Loose Teeth
  4. Is something wrong???
  5. Has anyone tried Halo brand?
  6. Flea & Tick Meds
  7. How much $$ does it cost??
  8. Brushing Cordell's teeth...
  9. Zukes??
  10. same o same o questions..... but....
  11. My baby's belly
  12. Overweight ?
  13. FortiFido~ another way to "Yuppie" Up!
  14. Artemis small breed fresh mix kibbles
  15. wellness
  16. anyone had dog hopping with lp, but not need surgery
  17. Need Information About Neutering Yorkies
  18. Did you know that cheese causes pancreas cancer
  19. I'm getting samples....
  20. What is the puppy shot they shouldn't get??
  21. Flea/Tick control?
  22. Has anyone heard of Richard's Organics Pet Calm?
  23. ProMeris Product Alert
  24. Licking of Genital
  25. Allergies...Heredity?
  26. What do you think about.......
  27. 8 week old pups with loose stool
  28. ProMeris flea/tick
  29. is eukanuba good?
  30. Looking for those who feed NATURE'S VARIETY RAW DIET...
  31. Don't know what to do
  32. Petzlife: Spray or Gel?
  33. Which of these 3 should I go with?????
  34. advice wanted please
  35. I gave Hootie the wrong Sentinel dosage....
  36. Romeo had a baby turtle in his mouth!
  37. Yorkie Yummies
  38. Flea meds/heartworm meds
  39. New to Yorkie motherhood...
  40. Dark skin underneath back legs
  41. Sentry Natural Defense for fleas and ticks
  42. constipation after spay
  43. 2008 RABIES Vaccine-JAVMA Report on Adverse Reactions in Dogs
  44. underbite? how soon is too soon too tell?
  45. Poor Monkey
  46. Is this normal?
  47. Extra Gassy?
  48. Oh, no, The Operation...
  49. sick Yorkie baby
  50. Worried about Neutering!
  51. Finally!
  52. Question About Teeth
  53. At a loss!
  54. Anxiety remedies - has anyone tried these?
  55. Help Chelsea seem to throw—up once or twice a week
  56. Remedies for anxiety in the car?
  57. when to start puppies on dogfood.
  58. New puppy food
  59. Changed Food & Now he Eats his Poo
  60. 3-pound Yorkie getting neutered next week
  61. Cancer in Dogs
  62. Only One Testicle?!?!
  63. Go! or Now! Opinions
  64. Heat question
  65. Raw Food - does it need fiber and vitamin supplements?
  66. Female in heat = crazed male
  67. Gaining weight after being fixed?
  68. Liver Shunt Diet
  69. Tessa is done!
  70. micro chip vs. tatoo
  71. how hot should a yorkie's skin feel?
  72. How & When to Start wet food?
  73. Lil Mr. Cone Head
  74. I'm worried. Could my baby be in heat?
  75. doggie breath
  76. Yorkie Pg
  77. About when do yorkies stop growing?
  78. Free Milky Bone Treats For Your Yorkie !!!
  79. is this ok?
  80. Question about sweet potato chews
  81. Bobbi's acting strange since Billi was spayed
  82. anyone near st paul, mn that had lp surgery or lp surgery for grade 2
  83. HELP! Can't find Puppy Plate anywhere, urgent.
  84. teeth help
  85. All Bran Crackers
  86. How often are female heats?
  87. How long can I keep wet food in the fridge?
  88. Butt dragging - health issue?
  89. dog/puppy food
  90. Jogging With Yorkie?
  91. kibble 4 healthier heart??
  92. Bad teeth and bacteria...?
  93. Fractured Tooth
  94. Wet nose & Ketchup?...
  95. heartguard pills up to 25lbs
  96. Oral fixation??
  97. Does anyone use trader joe dog food?
  98. Intrusive Neuter
  99. Update on London: She does NOT have LP!!!
  100. Antlerz
  101. Puppy Teeth
  102. Double row of teeth
  103. Leo eating his own poop
  104. My Cinnamon seems extremely sensitive to even minor this normal?
  105. Does this sound dog staying over night in the hospital?
  106. Party Animal Organic Dog Food
  107. Maxx ate a raisin!!!!!!!!
  108. Sister and Brother mated
  109. Are Teeth genetic?
  110. When To Stop Feeding "Puppy" Food?
  111. Teeth cleaning question
  112. Pot Belly stomach!
  113. Feeding schedules?
  114. New Hampshire and Lymes Disease!
  115. New(and old) users of Raw diet..Please Read..(long)
  116. Pet's don't need shots every year
  117. Pumpkin,Steamed Sweet Potato and honey
  118. HELP! How Can I tame his bad breath?
  119. Liver Shunt in certain breeding lines
  120. Food Question!
  121. Old enough/big enough to stop free feeding?
  122. home-made treats/dishes???
  123. Pancreatis Questions
  124. My vet gave the Lepto shot!! What do I need to watch for?!
  125. hair ball?!
  126. Plastic found in Natural Balance canned food
  127. Gagging and sneezing?
  128. Sentinel?
  129. Cat food in Wee Bits?!?!?
  130. natural flea remedy
  131. Are these ingredients good
  132. Online Orders
  133. Best food for puppy
  134. Heat Help
  135. Flea protection dosage
  136. Teeth cleaning~ I'm amazed!
  137. Concerns about summer..... please can you advise me
  138. can't poop
  139. Where is Ellie May?
  140. Frontline for TOY yorkies
  141. When to Brush?
  142. Totally Confused!
  143. Raw Food Questions
  144. Runny Poo/pancreatis Issues...
  145. How much is too much?
  146. Yet another question from this rank amature
  147. Is there a gravy?
  148. Holistic Vet OR Conventional Vet? Need your opinions on which one you feel is best?
  149. New addition-he's just skin and bones, what should I feed to get some meat on him?
  150. Picky eater, advice please.
  151. RAW FOOD VS DRY/CANNED I need opinions
  152. Baby food
  153. questions about home cooking
  154. How do you tell if your dog has a fever and....
  155. Salmon Oil?
  156. OMG, $150 for LP surgery?!?!?!?
  157. Food!?!
  158. any ideas for low protein meals?
  159. I wanted to know if anyone is.....???
  160. OK People Foods???????
  161. baby teeth removed
  162. DIARRHEA from Food change? HELP ME
  163. should I be concerned?
  164. Rain water
  165. Flea Haters Dog Biscuits
  166. Has anyone tried Angels' Eye
  167. is it ok??
  168. Dog-Zerts
  169. Older Dog: Behavior Changes
  170. Ear Infections?
  171. Dental Health (once again)
  172. Does anyone know if it's ok to feed Raw diet if...
  173. Does "canned" food contain more FAT?
  174. Has anyone else heard....
  175. Eicosaderm - Before and Afters?
  176. To dock or not to dock???
  177. teething
  178. is you don't use heart worm meds
  179. Freeze dried raw vs. Frozen raw
  180. UPDATE: Roxy's Skin Issues
  181. Switching from dry to raw.
  182. Does anyone feed their YTers chicken liver
  183. Do Yorkie Puppies lose hair?!?!?!?! HELP!
  184. Putting weight on my young Yorkie
  185. Finally Getting Neutered
  186. Grossed out, with his food
  187. please respond
  188. My new baby...
  189. 12 week puppy with few baby teeth?
  190. Always looking for more food
  191. low in purines/wet
  192. Looking for advice on treats
  193. Help... Is my female pregnant?
  194. Serious Fur Issues here!!! We need avise!!
  195. spay time
  196. allegries and ear infections
  197. Fastest three legged dog in the east!
  198. Gravy in a bottle?
  199. What toothbrush and paste should i get?
  200. puppy shots
  201. How much exercise is too much for my yorkie pup?
  202. Solid Gold Just a Wee Bit ?? Help Please : )
  203. Ginger Snap cookie??
  204. raw diet anyone?
  205. Teeth Cleaning: How Old Is Too Old?
  206. Baby Blessing Needs To Loose Weight
  207. Goldfish as treats?
  208. Back from the dentist
  209. Weight...
  210. Does anyone know anything about the drug Torbutrol?
  211. Chelsea has lost her appetite
  212. Time to diet
  213. Mia is getting spayed
  214. Paw licking GOOOOOD recipes...please :-)
  215. pronounciation clarification please!
  216. To Castrate or Not???
  217. Demodectic Mange
  218. Maxx got shots yesterday and today he is laying around
  219. My little Paxton is soooo hungry!!!!!! Help!!!
  220. anal gland question
  221. Corn Gluten Meal?
  222. Whole Wheat flour
  223. Baytril and diarrhea?
  224. LP??
  225. Baby Teeth
  226. When is Bordatella???
  227. hollistic vet???
  228. Q's for treats
  229. Free feeding leads to
  230. Is Elvis too skinny?
  231. Veggies and Fruit?
  232. Puppy constipation
  233. Ear Scratching! And more…..
  234. Anyone tried Halo?
  235. My little Dixie is eating Presley's poop! Help
  236. What food do you feed your baby?!
  237. post-op bile acid prayers please!!
  238. question for picky eaters
  239. Neutering- Laproscopically?
  240. Food Issues
  241. Aloe Vera Juice - Itchy Skin ??
  242. Spike needs some help
  243. Best way to deal with a wood-chewing Yorkie?
  244. Ingredients.......
  245. Prophylactic Flea Collars?
  246. anybody know about the drug atopica
  247. What is a good brand of wet food?
  248. Yorkies and "People Food"
  249. The best diet EVER...
  250. Vaccination question for adult found yorkie
