
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Barking- She won't stop!
  2. Barking- She won't stop!
  3. training sprays
  4. Washable Pee Pads
  5. Pottytraining Help!
  6. more training help!!
  7. Pee Pee Pad - which ones?
  8. door bell/leaving the house help
  9. Ellie snapped at a child.
  10. Dog Training Books?
  11. one step forward two giant back
  12. the culprit
  13. Poops at the right places but pees EVERYWHERE!
  14. house training
  15. How Long Did It Take
  16. firecracker time HELP wanted
  17. Hallelujah!
  18. Shaq is not behaving well with the new pup
  19. training my new pup
  20. pulling
  21. Puppy Litter - Good or Bad?
  22. Almost housebroken....yeah!
  23. Bath Time!
  24. I've got a little poop eater...
  25. looking for a good place 4 professional pics
  26. Will Crate Training Malnutrition My Yorkie???
  27. stairs?
  28. hmmm....Lunging when "down"
  29. housebreaking issue....
  30. Belly Band
  31. Obedience Issues
  32. Help! Natalie pee'd on the ottoman
  33. Ohhh the barking a night must stop!!
  34. Trick class!
  35. Socialization
  36. Potty Training Issues with very timid dog
  37. That fake dog who puurrrrs :0)
  38. Letting go of the pee pad
  39. excited pee
  40. Barking when I'm gone for a long time...
  41. running out the door?
  42. Agility Course Runaway
  43. Potty Training Older dogs
  44. Can I teach a cue so I know?
  45. Won't Poo on Pad
  46. How long should I wait
  47. Running Away?
  48. The case against crate-training (vs. "gating")
  49. question about Conditioned Reflex training
  50. Bark Collar
  51. Female marking territory
  52. training to sleep in crate
  53. Some questions
  54. Another potty training question...
  55. Won't go potty without me.
  56. Purse Anxiety!
  57. What can Yorkies be trained to do?
  58. Wizdog question
  59. At 4 months back to square 1?!?!?!
  60. Yorkie puppy attacked by our other dog! (long)
  61. Pissing Contest
  62. Barking
  63. Training Treats
  64. Potty Training Problems
  65. HELP! Obediance class & training (aka: choke) chain?
  66. my yorkie rips up my carpet
  67. in the crate
  68. Puppy vs. Cats
  69. chewing on cords
  70. runs out the door into traffic!!!
  71. wimping
  72. Pad Training Help
  73. What are the signs?
  74. Can my Yorkie sleep in Bed with me?
  75. Harness & going on walks
  76. Me or the dog/Anyone see it last night?
  77. Potty Training help
  78. My Kobe is a Scaredy Cat!!!
  79. Please help with potty training an older dog
  80. Pads? and your opinions, please
  81. Barking at the birds
  82. I think Bella is broken
  83. Dog Marking his Territory....:(
  84. I think I need Help !!!!
  85. Benjamin thinks he's the leader...
  86. first time park walk ??
  87. what do you guys do when your yorkie misbehaves?
  88. Teaching Tricks
  89. Another WizDog question... okay for balcony?
  90. Bad weather
  91. Constant Barking
  92. pen on carpet?
  93. Purina "Secondnature Doggie Litterbox?
  94. Housetraining to go outside vs puppy pads
  95. Pee on couch
  96. Chasing cars
  97. Barking at animals
  98. Discipline?
  99. Furniture Chewing...
  100. Crate training Benji???
  101. Peeing while asleep?
  102. Training/Paper training
  103. retraining
  104. crate vs bed - ongoing saga
  105. How much is to much?
  106. Help....
  107. Tinka strikes again....
  108. training help
  109. Need Help potty training
  110. Mimi___GRRRRRRRRr
  111. training issues (positive or treats/clicker)
  112. Chewing problem
  113. Bang Bang
  114. Litter Box Training
  115. Neutralizer?
  116. Pee pad location
  117. anyone else playing 24/7??
  118. Peeing off the pee pad
  119. Don't know what to do next
  120. The Stare Down - great tool!
  121. am I doing this right?
  122. How long can they hold it?
  123. any training needed for cnformation?
  124. Dog eating cat poop?
  125. Need to Rehome Sadie Louise!!
  126. At what age can you crate a pup?
  127. Where Did My Sweet Boy Go.....
  128. I am SOOOO proud!
  129. Eldo's trained but still pees in our room only
  130. Calm before the storm??
  131. PLEASE teach me
  132. Multi-potty training?
  133. Drive by pooper - part 2
  134. They learned "speak" and won't stop barking
  135. We're going to have to get rid of her
  136. Train in Crate or playpen???
  137. Bark Busters
  138. Crating Sophie
  139. Trophy Winning Dougal Baby!
  140. Teaching Benjamin the word "NO"
  141. The training pad spray from Petsmart! It really works!!!
  142. Help potty's in his crate
  143. Scared of people and dogs!
  144. puppy may go!!
  145. HELP: Training a 4 or 5+ month old??
  146. New puppy owner, a few questions
  147. our miko's training update (a little long, sorry)
  148. agility/therapy dog
  149. bath time trauma
  150. Whining even when being held?
  151. Pee Pad Training
  152. Training Information
  153. Mickey WOn't Poop outside!
  154. scared of vacuum
  155. Peeing in crate!
  156. Carpet feels the same as pee pad?
  157. Barking and crying in the crate PLEASE HELP!!
  158. My yorkie is nasty
  159. Peeing on his legs and marking!
  160. biting
  161. Can someone please advise?
  162. HELP!! She's peeing on the bed!!
  163. potty training while confined
  164. QUES: Have you ever switched from indoor to outdoor potty training?
  165. Does not play well with other dogs
  166. won't pee outside???
  167. Ok i am just frusterated....please help!!!
  168. Best potty training method?? Papers or Crate?
  169. Extreme measures needed? Help!!!
  170. Walk Woes!
  171. Oliver ATTACKS me!!
  172. Bella will only pee outside...
  173. Do Bellybands work?
  174. doesnt want to walk out side.
  175. HELP Getting Pee out of Rug??
  176. They are SOO bad!!!
  177. Petsmart Puppy Class?
  178. 11 Week Old Training HELP!
  179. House breaking issues
  180. To neuter or not!
  181. Going potty in crate...Not normal!
  182. Housebreaking
  183. I love these books!
  184. Circle Game= Irritation
  185. Help... My 8 Month yorkie named Yogurt... We have some difficulties with him.
  186. Potty Training
  187. 10 months and still pooping on rug!
  188. excessive barking in the middle of the night...HELP
  189. Harness Issues
  190. My little sneeky brat!
  191. Help!!!! Serious Problem!
  192. I am soooo frustrated with potty training
  193. Does anyone use the Superyard pen????
  194. Apartment living and potty issues with yorkies
  195. Training Pads
  196. Agression towards very large dogs
  197. dog peeing in spite
  198. I don't know what to do
  199. Just now eliminating in crate after 6 weeks!
  200. Crate Training Day 1 - my heart is broken!!!!!!!!!
  201. Helpful Site For Training
  202. drive by pooper
  203. 2 Year Old
  204. Baby on the way
  205. Surprise, Surprise: Marcel peed on my Husband!
  206. For anyone who has a mis-behaved Yorkie!
  207. potty training
  208. Crate Training experts, please please help..
  209. A Training/Vacation Needed Desparately!!!!!
  210. Peeing the bed!
  211. Bitting Problem...
  212. Sleeping schedule?
  213. Help! telling C.J. no is scaring Taffy
  214. Trainers Needed Please!
  215. Litter Box Training?
  216. possessiveness/aggression over toys.
  217. oh my word my baby is a monster!!!
  218. Trying to get off on the right start!!!
  219. C.J. is being very aggressive towards Taffy
  220. Why is he doing this???
  221. is this good for the puppy?
  222. Training Two Pups at Once??? HELP!!!???
  223. digging
  224. begging at the table
  225. My puppy eats only 2 times a day :(
  226. whining in the car
  227. Help! Peeing Problem!
  228. Serious Guidance Needed
  229. Help with whinning and sleeping conditions
  230. Harlem will not pee and poop in the same place
  231. My puppy is a biter!
  232. ugh Frustrated with the potty training!
  233. Puppy Socialisation Classes
  234. Making me late for work....
  235. Humping @ 4 months!!!
  236. Dominance solved through rationing?
  237. I need help with treats!!!!
  238. HELP! Bella is missing the pad
  239. biting dog tag....
  240. Help! Dior is peeing on the couch!
  241. Oh, gross.
  242. My Katie-Choo is tearing up her puppy pads
  243. leash training
  244. Bad Girl Katy
  245. Cleanness - How does it work?
  246. Using Puppy Pads
  247. do males go in heat
  248. Barking Fixation
  249. I do not know what to do?
  250. 4 month old needed a muzzle!
