- Barking- She won't stop!
- Barking- She won't stop!
- training sprays
- Washable Pee Pads
- Pottytraining Help!
- more training help!!
- Pee Pee Pad - which ones?
- door bell/leaving the house help
- Ellie snapped at a child.
- Dog Training Books?
- one step forward two giant back
- the culprit
- Poops at the right places but pees EVERYWHERE!
- house training
- How Long Did It Take
- firecracker time HELP wanted
- Hallelujah!
- Shaq is not behaving well with the new pup
- training my new pup
- pulling
- Puppy Litter - Good or Bad?
- Almost housebroken....yeah!
- Bath Time!
- I've got a little poop eater...
- looking for a good place 4 professional pics
- Will Crate Training Malnutrition My Yorkie???
- stairs?
- hmmm....Lunging when "down"
- housebreaking issue....
- Belly Band
- Obedience Issues
- Help! Natalie pee'd on the ottoman
- Ohhh the barking a night must stop!!
- Trick class!
- Socialization
- Potty Training Issues with very timid dog
- That fake dog who puurrrrs :0)
- Letting go of the pee pad
- excited pee
- Barking when I'm gone for a long time...
- running out the door?
- Agility Course Runaway
- Potty Training Older dogs
- Can I teach a cue so I know?
- Won't Poo on Pad
- How long should I wait
- Running Away?
- The case against crate-training (vs. "gating")
- question about Conditioned Reflex training
- Bark Collar
- Female marking territory
- training to sleep in crate
- Some questions
- Another potty training question...
- Won't go potty without me.
- Purse Anxiety!
- What can Yorkies be trained to do?
- Wizdog question
- At 4 months back to square 1?!?!?!
- Yorkie puppy attacked by our other dog! (long)
- Pissing Contest
- Barking
- Training Treats
- Potty Training Problems
- HELP! Obediance class & training (aka: choke) chain?
- my yorkie rips up my carpet
- in the crate
- Puppy vs. Cats
- chewing on cords
- runs out the door into traffic!!!
- wimping
- Pad Training Help
- What are the signs?
- Can my Yorkie sleep in Bed with me?
- Harness & going on walks
- Me or the dog/Anyone see it last night?
- Potty Training help
- My Kobe is a Scaredy Cat!!!
- Please help with potty training an older dog
- Pads? and your opinions, please
- Barking at the birds
- I think Bella is broken
- Dog Marking his Territory....:(
- I think I need Help !!!!
- Benjamin thinks he's the leader...
- first time park walk ??
- what do you guys do when your yorkie misbehaves?
- Teaching Tricks
- Another WizDog question... okay for balcony?
- Bad weather
- Constant Barking
- pen on carpet?
- Purina "Secondnature Doggie Litterbox?
- Housetraining to go outside vs puppy pads
- Pee on couch
- Chasing cars
- Barking at animals
- Discipline?
- Furniture Chewing...
- Crate training Benji???
- Peeing while asleep?
- Training/Paper training
- retraining
- crate vs bed - ongoing saga
- How much is to much?
- Help....
- Tinka strikes again....
- training help
- Need Help potty training
- training issues (positive or treats/clicker)
- Chewing problem
- Bang Bang
- Litter Box Training
- Neutralizer?
- Pee pad location
- anyone else playing 24/7??
- Peeing off the pee pad
- Don't know what to do next
- The Stare Down - great tool!
- am I doing this right?
- How long can they hold it?
- any training needed for cnformation?
- Dog eating cat poop?
- Need to Rehome Sadie Louise!!
- At what age can you crate a pup?
- Where Did My Sweet Boy Go.....
- I am SOOOO proud!
- Eldo's trained but still pees in our room only
- Calm before the storm??
- PLEASE teach me
- Multi-potty training?
- Drive by pooper - part 2
- They learned "speak" and won't stop barking
- We're going to have to get rid of her
- Train in Crate or playpen???
- Bark Busters
- Crating Sophie
- Trophy Winning Dougal Baby!
- Teaching Benjamin the word "NO"
- The training pad spray from Petsmart! It really works!!!
- Help potty's in his crate
- Scared of people and dogs!
- puppy may go!!
- HELP: Training a 4 or 5+ month old??
- New puppy owner, a few questions
- our miko's training update (a little long, sorry)
- agility/therapy dog
- bath time trauma
- Whining even when being held?
- Pee Pad Training
- Training Information
- Mickey WOn't Poop outside!
- scared of vacuum
- Peeing in crate!
- Carpet feels the same as pee pad?
- Barking and crying in the crate PLEASE HELP!!
- My yorkie is nasty
- Peeing on his legs and marking!
- biting
- Can someone please advise?
- HELP!! She's peeing on the bed!!
- potty training while confined
- QUES: Have you ever switched from indoor to outdoor potty training?
- Does not play well with other dogs
- won't pee outside???
- Ok i am just frusterated....please help!!!
- Best potty training method?? Papers or Crate?
- Extreme measures needed? Help!!!
- Walk Woes!
- Oliver ATTACKS me!!
- Bella will only pee outside...
- Do Bellybands work?
- doesnt want to walk out side.
- HELP Getting Pee out of Rug??
- They are SOO bad!!!
- Petsmart Puppy Class?
- 11 Week Old Training HELP!
- House breaking issues
- To neuter or not!
- Going potty in crate...Not normal!
- Housebreaking
- I love these books!
- Circle Game= Irritation
- Help... My 8 Month yorkie named Yogurt... We have some difficulties with him.
- Potty Training
- 10 months and still pooping on rug!
- excessive barking in the middle of the night...HELP
- Harness Issues
- My little sneeky brat!
- Help!!!! Serious Problem!
- I am soooo frustrated with potty training
- Does anyone use the Superyard pen????
- Apartment living and potty issues with yorkies
- Training Pads
- Agression towards very large dogs
- dog peeing in spite
- I don't know what to do
- Just now eliminating in crate after 6 weeks!
- Crate Training Day 1 - my heart is broken!!!!!!!!!
- Helpful Site For Training
- drive by pooper
- 2 Year Old
- Baby on the way
- Surprise, Surprise: Marcel peed on my Husband!
- For anyone who has a mis-behaved Yorkie!
- potty training
- Crate Training experts, please please help..
- A Training/Vacation Needed Desparately!!!!!
- Peeing the bed!
- Bitting Problem...
- Sleeping schedule?
- Help! telling C.J. no is scaring Taffy
- Trainers Needed Please!
- Litter Box Training?
- possessiveness/aggression over toys.
- oh my word my baby is a monster!!!
- Trying to get off on the right start!!!
- C.J. is being very aggressive towards Taffy
- Why is he doing this???
- is this good for the puppy?
- Training Two Pups at Once??? HELP!!!???
- digging
- begging at the table
- My puppy eats only 2 times a day :(
- whining in the car
- Help! Peeing Problem!
- Serious Guidance Needed
- Help with whinning and sleeping conditions
- Harlem will not pee and poop in the same place
- My puppy is a biter!
- ugh Frustrated with the potty training!
- Puppy Socialisation Classes
- Making me late for work....
- Humping @ 4 months!!!
- Dominance solved through rationing?
- I need help with treats!!!!
- HELP! Bella is missing the pad
- biting dog tag....
- Help! Dior is peeing on the couch!
- Oh, gross.
- My Katie-Choo is tearing up her puppy pads
- leash training
- Bad Girl Katy
- Cleanness - How does it work?
- Using Puppy Pads
- do males go in heat
- Barking Fixation
- I do not know what to do?
- 4 month old needed a muzzle!