
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Need Help and retraining the right way
  2. help...6 months and just started barking at night
  3. Help!!!!
  4. Need Help w/1 yr old - completely not potty trained
  5. My 4-year-old YT is so bad, I need new floors. Please help.
  6. Bridgette's problem behaviors.
  7. Re-Potty pad training a dog.
  8. How smart is your Yorkie without any training?
  9. Sophie is sneaky!!
  10. crate problems
  11. Potty training again?
  12. I need major advice and help.
  13. Obidence classes or training worth it?
  14. I can't get Tallulah to POOP in the right place!
  15. She's chewing up her wee wee pads
  16. Barking !!!!!
  17. Potty pads
  18. sooo SAD!!! MOCHA has done it again
  19. Hannah bites.......hard
  20. Yorkie goes potty in crate and bed!!! HELP!!
  21. Help with barking! He is 12 years old....
  22. Bark Stop Professional
  23. Help re-training to use the Outdoors & Pads
  24. Aim issues.
  25. daisy
  26. He forgot how to use the pads??
  27. Tricks
  28. Too early to celebrate but I think she gets it!
  29. Monitoring Yorkies water intake
  30. HELP! How to train ok to pee during walks vs. not ok to pee while in the dept store?
  31. Peeing Right, Pooping Wrong! What to do?
  32. House training
  33. Petsitting Help!
  34. you guys... im gonna snap.
  35. My Yorkie is part Beaver!
  36. Yorkies have damaged and dig up plants
  37. Housebreaking older yorkies - is it possible??
  38. need trainer in northern calif now
  39. Twinkle has forgotten she's housebroken!
  40. Housebreaking-how do you "punish" after accidents?
  41. running out front door.
  42. Almost Dead!
  43. Need help housebreakin almost 8month old yorkie
  44. Started peeing everywhere, but pee pee pad-Advice?
  45. Unexpected Peeing in the House?????
  46. first time pet owner needs advice
  47. Housebreaking help!!
  48. Peeing Pooing everywhere! 9 months old
  49. Baxter bit me
  50. Aggresive, Growling and Biting =(
  51. Housebreaking
  52. Pup yelping all night
  53. YORKIES on Animal Planet at 8p Christmas evening.
  54. In the bed Whining,Growling and Barking
  55. Oh No, she bit the groomer!
  56. baby behaviors?
  57. HELP!! Lilly keeps peeing in the same corner
  58. SUCCESS in potty training
  59. Help my yorkie is hyterical
  60. How do I make a belly band?
  61. Bella loves to Chewwwwwww
  62. Help, our new Yorkie is peeing everywhere!
  63. Suddenly barking and biting at me
  64. Crate training question
  65. Closing Doors
  66. How often do you take your yorkie out?
  67. Please help...potty training issue
  68. barking while i leave...
  69. New yorkie agressive to other yorkie
  70. training an unenthused morkie
  71. Belly Band Issue
  72. What does your dog know?
  73. ARE THEY SAFE? Ultrasound remote trainers
  74. Serious Problem, Please Help!
  75. Totally Clueless
  76. stop the peeing
  77. barking at the doorbell
  78. Tico goes on a pee pad, but the pee drenches his leg!!!!
  79. The rest of his life?
  80. HELP! Regression in potty training!
  81. House-Breaking
  82. Pottytraining
  83. Im such a PROUD mommy. I can't keep my joy to myself!
  84. Training help please!!!!
  85. Barking and growling at people - what can I do?
  86. collar?? or harness??
  87. Lilly is peeing in her crate and rolling in it!!!
  88. Two beautiful Yorkies BUT
  89. plastic bag alert! OMG!
  90. Year Old Confused Little Lady!!!!
  91. Muzzles?? yes or no ??
  92. How to potty train one, while the other is already trained??
  93. Housebreaking...I'm desperate for a solution!
  94. Anyone else w/ STUBBORN YORKIE issues?
  95. nothing in life is free..
  96. Update on Max
  97. inconsistent potty training issues ;-(
  98. Frustrated with cold-weather potty habits!!!
  99. Teaching Drop
  100. Marking everywhere!!
  101. Help! New owner, so overwhelemed!
  102. Night Barking/Whining in the Car
  103. Wierd Behavior! Tear Licking?
  104. marking
  105. There is pee dripping down the walls!!!!!
  106. aggression issues ..
  107. Does anyone have any Dog Training books they live by?
  108. Yorkie baby won't pee outside!
  109. Starting from square one with Zoe..
  110. Weather issues
  111. How can I stop him from jumping up on us when he says hello!!?!
  112. She loves No chew spray HELP!
  113. training off leash
  114. puppy pad atractant
  115. DEalt with Dr. Dodman
  116. How to crate-train a dog that has never been crated before?
  117. My baby is driving me crazy!
  118. potty pad training: to treat or not to treat...(that is the question)
  119. How to teach "COME"
  120. Housebreaking to a bell?
  121. How can i teach my 2 babies to pee on the pee...
  122. Not his fault our ours, but still feel awful...
  123. Running out the door
  124. Shes Chewing the wall!
  125. Pup plays with his teeth
  126. How To Get A Yorkie From Wandering Away When Let Outside
  127. Hello, i'm new & I need some help!
  128. Crate training and pee pads- question!
  129. AKC Papers
  130. Loss of sleep and bite marks..
  131. I need reassurance
  132. Making a Schedule and Sticking to it
  133. Why next to it???
  134. Weird Bark
  135. Can she just "forget" ?
  136. How do you teach sit pretty/beg?
  137. Litter box training?
  138. Looking For Something That Makes Sound to Go Out to Potty
  139. fear of people in new puppy *please help*
  140. New puppy owner...discipline question
  141. Nibbling at socks & pants...
  142. AVSAB Postion statement on the Use of dominance Theroy in Behaviour Modification of A
  143. Need help with grooming..
  144. How quickly can I expand freedom?
  145. Potty training woes
  146. Twinkle nipped my friend! Any ideas why?
  147. Help with Aggression
  148. Just Curious About Pee Pads
  149. What age did you stop using crate at night?
  150. Limping
  151. Night Time barking/peeing problem!
  152. When outside he barks at other dogs...Help!
  153. Differences between belly band and diaper?
  154. I want to teach sit and sit and stay
  155. doggy diapers
  156. Hopeless Cause?
  157. My Ballarina Boy and his pee pad
  158. my yorkie is aggressive with food
  159. Kolbe is marking Everything!!!
  160. Barking and Biting issues
  161. Asia runs away! What can I do to stop it?
  162. Training from indoor to outdoor & mixing potty habits of 2 dogs
  163. Yorkie Talkers I need your expertise on potty training!
  164. socialization problem
  165. Terrified little yorks
  166. Help!!!!!!! House Training Disaster
  167. Crate training my 11 year old Yorkie girl?
  168. ripping up carpet
  169. How to stop the barking!!!! lol
  170. Any Advise
  171. HELP! Piper chews up the pee pad everytime!!!
  172. new 3 month old yorkie, bulldog and cat that thinks he is a dog... distracting... ugh
  173. Lilly loves to piss on the floor!!!!
  174. Pup-head----love it!!
  175. Sneaky potty.
  176. training with belly band and bell
  177. How loud a "NO" when dog pees on the floor???
  178. Help - my yorkie mutt lunges at Skateboarders
  179. aggressive toward kittens
  180. Accidents Everywhere!!!!
  181. What am I doing wrong?
  182. tycie will not sit!
  183. Finally!
  184. Best Tricks
  185. Help!!! Sweet yorkie suddenly aggressive!
  186. Training video contest
  187. sick and tired of wiping up PEEEEEEEE....
  188. ARG Layla HATES walking
  189. From Outside to Inside
  190. How to potty train 1 yr old??
  191. Moving his crate - yes or no?
  192. Biting/Attacking
  193. Best way to train
  194. Stationary Pee Pads
  195. Hello everyone :)
  196. From the Dog's Point of View
  197. Erin you around to talk targeting
  198. Biting Everything
  199. pee pad and outdoor??
  200. Harnesses
  201. Why can't she just tell me she needs to go?
  202. Potty training or marking??
  203. Great puppy but won't "come!" Help!
  204. While I was away...
  205. Eating Stones!
  206. Training for a "hair do"...
  207. Tearing up Wee-wee pads
  208. Whining and barking?
  209. Pee pad help!! PLEASE
  210. Attacking the puppy pads.
  211. Could use some advice
  212. Getting worried about the constant nipping...HELP!
  213. Yorkie with a Hernia
  214. What to do when they leave...
  215. Litter Box Training
  216. biting the point of no hair left
  217. My Baby is bored.
  218. sleeping question
  219. Help with bolting out the door
  220. I don't know what to do anymore..
  221. Acting up. Very agressive
  222. ? about agility training
  223. Why are Yorkies so hard to Potty Train???
  224. Transitioning from peepee pads to outside
  225. new and happy to find this site!
  226. Grrr... Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip!
  227. Yorkies and babies
  228. Maddie's Inconsistency??
  229. Working with a visually impaired dog
  230. Help he is ruining my house
  231. Teaching Commands
  232. Sirius Dog Training
  233. Going Back To Basics With Toileting
  234. Just bought a yorkie for my wife! potty problems :(
  235. How long?
  236. Older Yorkie not accepting puppy; please help!
  237. GR... Marking EVERYWHERE!!!!
  238. My carpet is RUINED!!
  239. Starting Over
  240. ~URGENT!~I am soooooo lost with my Yorkie!!! help! ARGHHH!
  241. Barking and growling at me
  242. Biting Posted here and main board
  243. Concerned again about Biting
  244. Peeing on the floor!!!
  245. A one year old dog peeing in the house
  246. At a loss, don't know what to do, about to get rid of our dog!
  247. help how do i be a pack leader!!!!
  248. Licks a lot! Licks a lot of people too
  249. Tico is peeing on the floor??
  250. Serious Help needed about BARKING at Night
