
View Full Version : Sick & Injured / Emergencies Talk

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  1. Zoey
  2. Lily chewed on a candle!
  3. sugar-free gum
  4. KaCee is acting strange today
  5. Snickers's bottom is bothering him, and me!
  6. Loose stool for both!
  7. OMG! Chewie ate hubby's cigarettes! What do I do?
  8. Flea Collar Danger
  9. fractured baby tooth?
  10. bloody stool
  11. Jac had a Seizure
  12. Teary eyes
  13. Encephalitis
  14. kati has pimples and blisters and redness
  15. kati has small pimples or blisters
  16. loss of strength in back legs, weight loss. help
  17. liver shunts
  18. Babybear's MRI results
  19. Question please help..
  20. help with yorkichon
  21. Update on Sammy
  22. Is she getting over heated?
  23. 9 week old Chloe is sick
  24. We had the biggest scare of our lives tonight.
  25. Newbie-- my puppies tummy always feels very hard and tight. Normal?
  26. 9 week old Keelyn has mucous diahhrea help!
  27. yorkies eyes watering like crazy
  28. Rash? Need you opinions please!
  29. Babybear's MRI update
  30. Teddi is not feeling well
  31. UPDATE Sebastian had his liver shunt surgery
  32. UPdate on Babybear's surgery
  33. Kammie is not feeling well
  34. Can you believe this!!!!!!!!!!!
  35. Collapsed Trachea, possible Enlarged heart
  36. Update On Charlie
  37. Update on Jazzi
  38. Night Vomiting
  39. Dropped medication... Oh, Sh**!
  40. Do i need to take him to the vet?? HELP!!! 911!!!
  41. PLEASE SEE A VET OR EMERGENCY ROOM For True Emergencies!
  42. Tucker ate the rubber off his food bowl!!!
  43. Babybear UPdate
  44. Tiki's Trachea
  45. Marcel was bitten by Fire Ants this morning!
  46. Jazzi had to go to the ER last night
  47. Does anyone use Denosyl?
  48. Hypocalcimia??? Mom in trouble??
  49. Need some advise - Annika is feeling under the weather
  50. Heat Stroke In Dogs...Everyone Please Read
  51. Oh NO! My sweet Sassy ate tin foil!
  52. I have a question about ID Prescription Dog Food
  53. giardia
  54. My Max is in Heaven
  55. Vomiting/Diarrhea :(
  56. oh no!!
  57. Please Please pray for Jezzie!
  58. Paw Pad Injury
  59. chills, vomit & upset stomach
  60. signs parvo is gone
  61. eye infection
  62. Sorry not to search ...diarrhoea...
  63. Question about medication
  64. Anyone up? I need a little help!
  65. URGENT help please
  66. Update On The Holy Tarra/surgery Tomorrow!
  67. update on lexi
  68. Babybear update not what we were hoping for
  69. my yorkie has what look like cysts or boils on his tummy
  70. Incompetant Vet @ PetSmart
  71. Need advise A.S.A.P
  72. Back From The Vet With Dottie
  73. Video Of Mattie 3 Hours Before She Went To Rainbow Bridge
  74. High BAT and Crohn's questions--
  75. High BAT and Crohn's questions--
  76. To Test Puppies Think About It
  77. not her self
  78. URGENT -- Tarra has shattered elbow
  79. Update on Riley's seizures and decreased urine
  80. Lyme Disease - I HATE ticks
  81. protein in urine
  82. im so heart broken
  83. Max had to have a Urethrostomy today
  84. Im new And I dont know anything
  85. cleft puppy
  86. Nico Ate chocolate!!!
  87. OMG... she ran off with poop in her mouth
  88. Tummy Trouble
  89. need a little advise -
  90. constipated?
  91. Throwing up after every single meal
  92. Allergies?
  93. My Fergie is sick
  94. 14 yr old yorkie, possible stroke????
  95. Tummy Virus? PLEASE HELP!!
  96. Keep Jack in your thoughts
  97. Omg please respond
  98. Dog Insurance Plans???
  99. My yorkie has diarrhea after staying at a friends
  100. Babybear UPDATE
  101. Roxy's BAT results
  102. What is the best thing to give my baby when she is having a seizure?
  103. Bathing
  104. Babybear is having problems with his neck
  105. Really mad and dont know at who! PLEASE HELP ASAP!? need a vet??
  106. I need help I dont know what to do
  107. eye bugers
  108. Coughing is scaring me...
  109. my puppy is sick i need to vent!
  110. Tell me it can't be Liver shunt PLEASE
  111. what to do if yorkie starts to seizure....
  112. Please say it is nothing...
  113. Little Cough....
  114. Sleepy, trembling, then seizure
  115. Prissy is sick,can someone help me!!!
  116. Please Help!! Bella ate toxic gum!!!
  117. Seizures and not urniating
  118. Seizures and not urniating
  119. Need Help Immediately.
  120. just joined!!! need infor...
  121. Some Kind of Cyst??? HELP!!!!!
  122. cyst or bump!!! HELP!!!
  123. Black Bloody stool
  124. 3 week old puppy
  125. other symptoms...?
  126. Anyone have pics of an umbilical hernia?
  127. anal gland question
  128. Attn: vets, assts, anyone! Xiphoid Process
  129. Yorkie w/heartworm
  130. Intestinal Parasites
  131. My baby got spayed today!
  132. Leggs Parthese disease
  133. Logan has his energy back this morning
  134. dry hacking cough and smell on skin?
  135. Not Drinking After Neuter and Teeth Pulling
  136. HELP ! Is it a flu ??
  137. Runny nose
  138. Post BAT test @ 34
  139. dog eating soil
  140. Yikes! Sam just licked two containers!
  141. she's in heat and i think she is getting sick.. please someone respond asap..
  142. VERY WORRIED! mucus in stool and drontal.
  143. diarrhea but still hyper.
  144. Maggie had her bladder surgery...
  145. Charlie has legg parthes disease
  146. ~~ OMG The Vet Gave Them Lepto In Their Shots!!!!!~
  147. Logan Was Neutered Today
  148. Bengi is constipated! any advice?
  149. Mvd
  150. Cold? Bronchitis? Tracheal collapse??!!
  151. pup is vomiting...
  152. 9 week old yorkie seizers?
  153. Tila
  154. To Test Or Not To Test
  155. Hge Read Very Important
  156. Infection in the eyes
  157. Exploratory Neutering
  158. Not Drinking- Barely Eating
  159. Bile Acid Tests Elevated, I'm Panicked...
  160. Warning! Long Story about Bloody Poop. Please Help!
  161. is mucus normal?
  162. Sick Pitbulls
  163. Incontinence in 1.5 yr old?
  164. Dog Insurance
  165. sneezing/cough?
  166. Rambo is sicky poo
  167. Diarrhea:
  168. At a loss.....any thoughts??? (long read)
  169. Yorkie falls off recliner
  170. Why would a dog vomit blood and then be okay the next day?
  171. Poor Layla :(
  172. Advil and inducing vomiting. Please help!
  173. help! what should I do when 2 vets tell me different things
  174. Cancer
  175. Gracie ate onion powder (a tad)....
  176. Kidney disease please help
  177. Hydroxyzine
  178. Logan's Bile Acids Test Results are In!
  179. He is shaking I'm very worried!
  180. Please help! In need of opinions!
  181. Hellllllp!
  182. New mommy - puppy had shots
  183. Help! Is she okay? Go see a vet or not?
  184. sick doggy
  185. Heart is aching-Had to put my Princess Down
  186. Still Waiting for Bile Acids Retest Results
  187. Coughing and swollen lymph nodes
  188. Help
  189. London's dewclaws
  190. Constipation in larger dogs??
  191. Help... I think my lilly is ill...
  192. Has Anyone Tried Comfort Zone with DAAP?
  193. Heart Valve Condition Question
  194. Blood in stool
  195. chocolate scare
  196. My 2.5 lbs Yorkie ate LOTS of ham fat, help
  197. Zoey Grace
  198. Prognosis for Kennel Cough??
  199. Help needed with my yorkie back legs going bald
  200. Should I get a puppy with known mvd
  201. Yet another question about patellar luxation
  202. New owner of a yorkie.
  203. I'm Scared: Appreciate Your Prayers
  204. Crystals in Urine
  205. Fever
  206. Could it get any worse? Yes, apparently it can...
  207. Now the other one has it!
  208. Puppy cant balance and is falling over while walking
  209. Rescue Bailey won't eat
  210. gordigirl
  211. Help me 7 wk old puppy...
  212. Loosing her hair...
  213. my first post & sick pup... I think!!
  214. New Here/ Questions about sick puppy/Long winded
  215. Tips/ advise for after surgery.....
  216. My Little Mattie Is Gone
  217. Roscoe has Giardia
  218. Does this sound like allergies?
  219. 10 day old puppy constipated! Help!!
  220. Help! My puppy has diarrhea.
  221. Severe Kidney infectio
  222. Black spots worsening!! Help
  223. sick puppy
  224. Please Pray for Wednesday and Me!!!
  225. my puppy has a luxating patella!!! do i need a surgery
  226. Dead birds and West Nile!
  227. New to Forum! Clicking Noise with throat
  228. Can coccidia be spread help
  229. Eye Surgery?
  230. Scooter is hurt
  231. Ear Mites/Ear drops causing floppy ears?
  232. Torn ACL Opinions
  233. Torn ACL Do We need surgery
  234. Liver Shunt Cellophane Band Method?
  235. Peanut Killed by 2 dogs.....
  236. Constipation in a puppy
  237. please help..
  238. Narrowed Trachea?
  239. Fluid sound coming from Bailey's chest
  240. Wierd spot on his privates??
  241. HELP...first time sick..!!!
  242. my yorkie is limping!!!
  243. Someone please help!!!
  244. Tapeworms!!!
  245. sick yorkie help!
  246. What is her deal?!
  247. Zoey doing well
  248. Logan has Coccidia
  249. Dry Skin
  250. My puppy has a cough....Help, advice please!!
