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  1. Incision
  2. Anyone experience this???
  3. How to stop bleeding nail?
  4. 10 week old puppy throwing up
  5. immature radial physeal closure
  6. I got sick...will Yogi?
  7. My baby Juliet gave me a scare tonight...
  8. sick mom
  9. update on susie
  10. Please Pray For Baby Blessing
  11. My baby ate Artist Oil Paint? Help???
  12. 3 Sick Yorkies
  13. Sick Yorkie
  14. Please can anybody help?
  15. Help!
  16. Sprain or Broken Leg
  17. Alien Poop????
  18. Beware Of Your Dog's Collar!!
  19. Skelf in Chico's Throat????
  20. Separation Anxiety ??
  21. Update on Scout
  22. Please Advice!!!!!
  23. Groomer's Error ---> Infection + bald spot
  24. Swollen Paw??
  25. Scout hasn't eaten in 5 days-we've been to the vet
  26. update on Gypsy.
  27. constipation or diarrhea?
  28. Trachea problem
  29. 2 month old yorkie; feed as much nutrical?
  30. Somethings not Right With Minnie
  31. Puppies constantly scratching
  32. Merck Veterinary Manual
  33. are these symptoms familiar to you?
  34. Stomach Virus, Infection or Giardia?
  35. Finnegan ate a calcium tablet
  36. Rash????!
  37. new-please help
  38. Kammie may have eaten Allergy tablet
  39. Rimadyl??? Help!
  40. Patella Surgery Help
  41. Need your help ASAP
  42. 2 1/2 year-old w/ liver problems
  43. I'm worried
  44. Suggestions......
  45. Constant Scratching
  46. Pogo's Surgery Today
  47. Mother not eatting... help!!!
  48. Need some advice!
  49. He's just hypo
  50. Curious, how are liver shunts found?
  51. Another Jewel Update - 4/11/2006
  52. Help please, shot reaction?
  53. Chronic Cough
  54. Diagnosing kennel cough??
  55. Coccidiosis back...uugghhh!
  56. Bladder infection or kidney problem?
  57. Need help giving liquid medicine!!!
  58. First time outside
  59. 8 weeks old and I think something is wrong!!! HELP!!!
  60. Minnie ripped her nail and its was real bad.
  61. Snail bait
  62. bloating please help
  63. Gracie not getting up...
  64. Nervous About Surgery
  65. Why does he throw up yellow?
  66. Pet Insurance For My Yorkie? Help!
  67. Too much deter?
  68. 6week old Ashley
  69. Why do yorkies get sick?
  70. My Buddy has Pancreatitis
  71. Scary 12 Hours
  72. Stupid Fleas
  73. Baby with Kennel Cough
  74. Yorkie won't eat!!!
  75. so scared!!!
  76. New mommy very worried
  77. impacted
  78. Paddington is better!
  79. Please Help
  80. Luxating Patellas
  81. Why does my dog vibrate?
  82. Sleepy
  83. Possible Heart Murmur
  84. Heat??
  85. Sneeze attacks???
  86. How does one handle the death of a pet
  87. Molly's sick.. poor baby.
  88. Legg Calve Perthes Disease
  89. Now my baby has a lump on his neck
  90. causes of ear mites????
  91. Seizure? Sroke? 12 years old
  92. Constipated Jazzy
  93. Hypo-Glycemia - heard of this??????
  94. Tumor on lip is growing!
  95. Bee sting? Baby Benadryl?????
  96. Brasco threw up 3 times
  97. Update on prolonged pupil dilation
  98. need thoughts and prayers please
  99. Princess acting weird..
  100. puppy has been sick
  101. vomit and poop - HELP!
  102. Jake has a KNOT on his side!!! Help!
  103. Allergies..Kennel Cough..I just don't know?!?!?
  104. New, looking for advice on my girl
  105. New here...Please Advise
  106. Blood in stools....
  107. Could Tiger Be Really Sick . . . Please Help!
  108. UPDATE: When do you just give up?
  109. Itchy/bloody Head =(
  110. Jewel's (GME) Update
  111. diarrhea/sore bottom
  112. Bladder Issues
  113. i'm sorry for starting another thread but she is STILL sick!
  114. Lola's has surgery tomorrow!
  115. Paddy has an infection...
  116. similar to gucci - my lulu chewed on ant bait =(
  117. Recurring red itchy rash all over my puppy!!
  118. Pee Pee Problems
  119. Soft Tissue Injury
  120. Quick question...dont know what to title it
  121. Jumped of the Bed
  122. Mellie scared me to death
  123. When do you give up?
  124. Gus got sick on me.
  125. Need Help! Torn Toenail...
  126. what is wrong with my poor baby (aka yorkie) :-(
  127. Snorting and breathing problem......
  128. Lola broke her leg again!
  129. Help Please - Reggie Needs Us
  130. Droopy Reggie...
  131. can a cleft pallet be fixed?
  132. Parvo
  133. Enlongated Palate
  134. Collapsed Trachea
  135. Two big scares yesterday~two snorting/breathing attacks, one with vomit!
  136. Yearly Vaccines, Good or Bad??!!
  137. Remember poor Tinkerbell?
  138. acid reflux
  139. hard lump in belly???
  140. can dogs eat tuna fish??
  141. Need advice quickly about supplementing a pup
  142. Prolonged pupil dilation using atropine
  143. Liver Shunt (or related) Survivors? (Yorkie and others)
  144. 2 small "marks" ...
  145. Desperate for advice...
  146. acid reflux
  147. Lacey Loo
  148. Growly, grumbly tummy...
  149. Muffin is growing bumps
  150. Excited Willies
  151. Help
  152. After the C-section
  153. off balance yorkie
  154. Best way to deal with a seizure
  155. Not drinking
  156. Puppy ate chocolate chip cookie
  157. Yorkies Hind Legs
  158. Puke and tongue sticking out
  159. My baby Rylie is doing better
  160. Soo fustrated
  161. Has anyone ever heard of this?
  162. When to INDUCE VOMITING
  163. Bad reaction to vaccine
  164. puppy sick
  165. Hypoglycemia???
  166. Leather Ear
  167. My baby is in the hospital
  168. Vomiting??? advice needed please
  169. Gucci ate a piec of poison for mices
  170. I need LOTS AND LOTS AND LOts of Prayers, Please!!!
  171. Gracie got her splint off today! Hooray!
  172. My male yorkie's whos not even 2 paw jiggles.???
  173. Molly's hearing.
  174. Bump after shots
  175. I was suppossed to pick Cali up at 8 tonight
  176. Help!!
  177. Gucci ate a hersey kiss
  178. Ear Mites and Perhaps Food Allergies?
  179. color blind?
  180. Cali is out of surgery
  181. Hind Leg Limp
  182. Cali is having Surgery later tonight
  183. Sudden onset blindness...any help?
  184. Update on Cali
  185. Sniffles??
  186. Prayers needed please
  187. Gorilla Glue Emergency!!!
  188. Dry Nose
  189. Silk is coughing.
  190. Whelping
  191. Bimmer's going bald...
  192. luxating Patella
  193. Hope's leg is broken!!
  194. Possible Eye Problem?
  195. OMG They Found Crayons!!
  196. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis
  197. Help i NEED ADVICE?!
  198. Cali is in heat and
  199. me sick= my yorkie sick?
  200. bladder infection??
  201. still has drops of blood in stool/around house
  202. Star Is walking wired
  203. Help - my puppy issick again!
  204. diabetes
  205. Benji/advice
  206. I can't stop crying.....I dropped her :-(
  207. possible seizures happen while asleep
  208. Help, need advice
  209. A little scared, please help!
  210. feeding 12 day old pups
  211. Not sure what to do???
  212. Nursing mama is being depleted
  213. Shots & Ear infection
  214. No Pooping after being sick???
  215. is my doogy sick?please help!!!
  216. help 3 month yorkie sick
  217. 10 mos. yorkie vomiting/diarrhea w/blood in both, at vets now! help
  218. Should i be worried?
  219. Signs of Bladder Infection ?
  220. Kennel Cough
  221. Enlarged heart and flluid in and around lungs?
  222. Dry Heaves
  223. Oh NO! Teeth!!!!!
  224. My yorkie is puking alot and not playful
  225. I noticed a bruise on my baby's leg...Help!
  226. Can Yorkies Get the Flu?
  227. poor guy
  228. oh no...he ate a pencil!
  229. How long does it take after ginving oxitocin for the afterbirth to come out?
  230. Mac got really sick after his checkup
  231. is he getting better or no?
  232. taking meds
  233. Can Hydrocephalus be treated?
  234. Yorkie drooling and not acting himself
  235. Help! I think Tiger is sick!
  236. Rash on Belly?
  237. Pet 911
  238. Help! Metronidazole, bloating, cancer?!?!
  239. Shots??? HELP!
  240. My Yorkie Is Not Eating... Help!
  241. Gracie has a broken leg! Our hearts are broken...
  242. Still has diarrhea, Please help!
  243. Chanel needs positive thoughts please!
  244. Update on Tinkerbell
  245. Puppie doesnt feel well
  246. PLEASE: anyone living in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA who has Parvo Guard? My puppy's dying!
  247. Jewel had another Seizure
  248. Emergency
  249. My new yorkie throwing up/diarrhea/runny nose/no energy. PLEASE HELP!
  250. Weird way of throwing up?????
