Thread: More boosters??
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Old 08-02-2012, 07:09 AM   #65
Wylie's Mom
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Originally Posted by concretegurl View Post
Use apple cider vinegar as a rub and to wash your need yo worry about a parvo shot.
Girl, I just spit coffee at my screen ! I know you didn't mean it as funny...but it hit me that way. I think it was bc the statement was so short and definitive. As in "don't worry about that flesh-eating bacteria - just throw on some ACV!" .

Seriously though - there may be some benefits to ACV, and I've read about it a lot since it's brought up here quite a bit. Personally, I wouldn't consider using ACV for potentially life threatening issues.

Originally Posted by ironmike86 View Post
(partial quote for clarity)
I agree to the point dogs should have all the "needed" shots the first year. Boosters can be spread out and not every year. The vaccinations became the norm for dogs because they were dying from diseases. But for some vets its a way to make $$. If the breeder has proven to give the pups shots. If one truly is worried they should have blood drawn before and test before the vaccinate. I'm going to research my Vet's and see how easy this is. May cost a little more but to me it would be worth it. JMO
Frequency of boosters for Rabies is mandated by state law. One year puppy boosters (diff than 'puppy vaccines') have to be given for the puppy vax to be effective.

I'm not a big supporter of breeders giving vaccines. It would be helpful if one of our breeders here on YT could share a story of giving a home-vaccine, and then watching a death via anaphylactic shock. Giving a vaccine chemical is in NO way like a diabetic giving themselves their daily insulin, in my opinion. In my opinion, it should be done at a facility that can support Medical Emergencies.

The part I bolded...I'm not clear as to whether you're referring to titers here...? If you are, just want to mention that titers are not at all conclusive in determining actual immunity (read about cellular and humoral immunity).

Originally Posted by ironmike86 View Post
fwiw a monkey can give shots. If you ever had a shot what the difference? Take a day class and you can have somebody give them to you.
LMBO! I was not aware that I could get shots from a monkey; this is helpful to know. I didn't just take a day class, I actually took the whollllle dang 4+ years and got my bachelors degree in Nursing. And I still would not give vaccines to my dogs. And I'll also mention that we (hubby and me) tried to give allergy shots (again, not anything like a vaccine chemical) to our 3 pound yorkie and could NOT properly restrain him. I'm not kidding; it was quite the surprise. And btw, our Vet Derm said that it's VERY common that pets do not allow their Mom/Dad to give shots; but then at the Vet office, that same pet will take a shot like it's nothing. That fact (from a vet) is not a small matter when you consider you could hit a bone or a vein in a struggling dog, while at home.

So, I guess I'm 'less than' a monkey . Which is fine, bc I generally respect monkeys more than most humans, so that's cool.

Originally Posted by McheleM View Post
It's phlebotomy. And monkeys don't draw blood. Phlebotomists do. Phlebotomists do not administer shots. Shots are either intramuscular or subcutaneous. Phlebotomists must hit a vein. If you hit a vein during a shot, you've done it wrong. So having a phlebotomy certification has nothing to do with administering shots.
Couldn't give this enough thumbs up .


To the original poster: your thread has evolved into something more than you likely planned on . Whether or not you want to accept the breeder's vax as valid is up to you; in the end, it's really your decision. Like I mentioned above, I want vax done in a medical/vet office - not at home. My vax plan follows Dodds and Schultz, mostly. Meaning: Core vaccines only throughout life, unless there is a localized epidemic; puppy vax, then 1 yr puppy booster, rabies as by law, all subsequent boosters as per Dodds/Schultz theories.

Please message me if you need further help...I can share any thoughts, and then I would also recommend 3-4 more members who can give varying opinions/thoughts so you'd get a full look at the issue.
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Last edited by Wylie's Mom; 08-02-2012 at 07:11 AM.
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