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Old 12-30-2010, 11:38 AM   #216
Raymond's Mom
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Originally Posted by QuickSilver View Post
Thanks, jencar and Mardelin for explaining wrapping. Does anyone here have pictures of their dog wrapped?

Also, I was wondering if someone could provide a short "CHIC for Dummies" post (or reference) for the rest of us trying to keep up.
I just received permission to post this. It tells how to get a CHIC number for a yorkshire terrier. I don't know if it'll reprint correctly but you can get the idea.

 The CHIC Checklist
There is NO pass or fail with CHIC. It's about completing the two screening tests, Patellar Luxation and CERF and releasing the results. Every dog will get a number.

Before taking your dog in for these exams be sure that it is either micro chipped (preferable) or tattooed.

OFA Patellar Luxation - minimum 1 year of age
Please note - this is a manual exam performed by a general practitioner and must be done GENTLY. Do not let the vet torque the dogs leg or handle the leg roughly. STOP the exam if you feel the Vet is hurting your dog.
1. Go to the OFA Web site. At this addy you'll find the form that you fill out for the Patellar Luxation exam. You can fill it out on your computer, print it out and take it with you to the vet. Your vet needs to fill out the exam portion and sign this form.
 2. Please note - in the middle of your form is a black box. It's titled Authorization to Release Abnormal Results. If there is any luxation you must initial that box to receive a CHIC number. Right above the black box is the line for the signature of owner or authorized representative. Be sure to sign there also.
 3. At the bottom of the form you'll find the list of fees. Send a check or you can provide a credit card number.
 4. The mailing address is at the top of the form.
You mail this form is to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals OFA. They will send the information to CHIC so there is nothing more you need to do.
CERF -Canine Eye Registration Foundation - no minimum age
 1. Make an appointment with an Ophthalmologist. This test CANNOT be performed by a general practitioner. A list of Ophthalmologists in each state can be found at CERF - ACVO Clinic List. Call vets and compare prices. Some will offer eye exams at excellent prices, especially if you bring in more than one dog. Check for CERF clinics at dog shows.
 2. Take your dog's AKC information with you. The form will be provided by the vet. Allow extra time to fill the forms out.
 3. The exam takes only a few minutes and causes no discomfort. Because the eyes are dilated you don't want to do this exam right before showing the dog.
 4. Fill out the required information on the back of the copy that the Dr. gives you, and mail it to CERF with the required fees.
 5. CERF will send the information to CHIC for you.
 6. One CERF exam is needed for a CHIC number.
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