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Old 06-11-2005, 05:38 PM   #19
YT Addict
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 364

I am going to take the markers off, since I can tell them apart, (plus it makes me nervous to have anything around their neck) the lady who helped me deliver put them on (I had them ready to go before she got here) but I had her tie them on. But since one boy has white on its chest and the other doesn't, and there is only one girl, she has a different white pattern and a tad on her neck... I should be safe taking them off... since now I can be pretty sure the white will stay for at least a few weeks (thank you for that info)

thanks for the info on how to post pics, I tried this am, should of just asked, would of saved a lot of time... lol.

Is it normal for my mom to still pant- is it because she is warm? the room temp right now is 79? is it better to have the room warm or to have a heating lamp? I can't cool off the room too much more (without creating a draft) because the ac is broke, but I could lower it a couple of degrees as it cools off tonight... which way is best?

thanks again, I know I have a lot of questions, but I want to do what is right, my mentor is at a dog show now, so I can't ask her at the moment... and the vet is closed and this isn't an emergency.. lol well to them it isn't.
thank you so much
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