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Old 02-15-2007, 10:57 PM   #23
Loved by Maddie & Libby
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It is so amazing to me that so many families have gone thru similar type situations. How can people be like that...let greed take over and act like lunatics! Ricka was never there to help when mom had trials and tribulations. She put stress on mom by always being on the outs with someone in the family...she thrives on trouble. I hope and prayed she'd had a change of heart, but she's still the same selfish, greedy person she's always been. We keep thinking of things mom had that are now missing, but the latest will make you all sick. My dad's only brother was killed in WWII and my brother is named after him. Judy called me today to tell me that my brother had called and asked for only one thing from Mom's house and that was the purple heart in honor of our uncle's sacrifice. I told her I hadn't seen it, but would go down and look. Melissa and I looked and looked, though we knew we would have seen it when looking for documents, but we hoped we had just missed it. Ricka has the purple heart plus all of dad's army medals and things are gone. When I called my brother to tell him, he cried. Shame on you, are heartless!

One thing she didn't get was a beautiful table cloth I crocheted for Mom and Dad many years ago. I don't know what made me think of that tablecloth, but something told me to get it the day after Mom died. Judy says it was God telling me to take it before it disappears. I'll take a pic of it some day and show you all.

As for those of you who said it's material things...that is right. I didn't want all of her things. Judy and I planned on giving much of it away to friends and relatives. I have peace in my heart knowing that Judy and I were there for Mom whenever she needed us and with her the last few weeks of her life. One day when I was getting Mom back into her chair after helping her to the bathroom, she said, "Dad would be so proud of you and Judy for what you're doing for me." I told Judy what Mom had said and Judy said, "That's the highest compliment we could get from Mom." I miss Mom so terribly heart just aches.
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Memory is a country where I can go to see your face - but where do I go when I miss your embrace?
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