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Old 02-11-2007, 06:17 PM   #45
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 2

Sorry to hear of your problems! I came across this post while doing a search of the forums trying to find problems people have had in buying dogs.

I have some personal experience in this, I've had ringworm when I was 12, I picked it up from our family dog, who had it as well. It was easily cured by a doctor and that was the end of it. It's really nothing more than a sore spot of skin, didn't bother me much but it won't go away unless treated properly.

I had a couple of questions in your dealings with the breeder. I understand that you were told the dog had a "fungus" before you bought it, but you decided to take it anyway. Once you were told it was ringworm by a vet did the breeder offer to take the puppy back? I would think that if you were really upset about it and had a 10 month old that you would try and give the puppy back. Did the breeder offer to give you another puppy?

Speaking of which, how did you 10 month old get the ringworm? From what I was told when I had it I would actually have to touch the dog or the places where it laid in order to get it. Where you letting the baby play with the infected puppy?

Also, I'm curious about the $400 in vet bills. If you were sent a puppy with ringworm and you were told up front about it, did you work out something with the breeder regarding treatment? I'd think you would if that were the case before accepting the puppy. How was the breeder in helping you with the ringworm? It sounds like this breeder had just bought another business where several of the dogs had ringworm. Has the breeder been able to cure the other dogs with ringworm? Have you talked to the breeder or the breeders vets about this? I know you mentioned the breeder hasn't been answering their phone anymore when you call, why is that? Is it disconnected? Did the breeder go out of business? Seems to me the breeder would have been an excellent source of information in helping you fix this problem.

I'd really like to know more about this. I'd really hate to think there are breeders out there that are really as bad as you make this one out to be. I have young children I'm interested in buying a dog for, any information would be helpful.

To be perfectly honest, I'm having a hard time taking your side in this. First of all, your user name is "Frustrated Mom". I'm sympathetic to your situation, but it seems you created your account here to voice your displeasure. Also, you've been very aggressive to the person who disagreed with your post, even accusing them of being "in cahoots" with the breeder.

You were told you were getting a dog that had a fungus. You said the breeder didn't tell you it was ringworm. What fungus did you think it was? Would you not have taken the dog had you known? What fungus would be acceptable? This situation seems a little odd. I certainly feel sorry for the baby and the puppy, but I get the impression you haven't handled this situation all that well yourself.

I hope your puppy (and the baby!) get well soon.
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