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Old 01-13-2007, 08:00 PM   #546
My Yorkie Angels
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Default Miracles Happen ....... Ella's Sister :) ( A MUST READ HERE )

I wanted to tell everyone what happened to us today. I'm sorry I haven't written sooner, but I was at my grandmothers house This evening

I got a call today from My breeder, and at first I did not answer because I figured she was calling to see how I was doing. I called her right back and she said she got Ella's sister back because she wasn't being taken care of. Ella's sisters owner went to the breeder to get this baby girl her second round of shots and they were complaining about her. They said all she was doing was crying and whining. My breeder said she looked AWFUL AND HAD NOT BEEN TAKEN CARE OF AT ALL. The owners still had this little girl on the weaning food and she wasn't eating. My breeder and her DR said she was starving ... So anyway the breeder took her back and they had NO problem with it at all, they didn't want her anymore at all and after the way she looked to my breeder it was clear she was not taken care of at all.

So anyway the breeder called me today and said she felt that the right thing to do was for me to have her. I just couldn't believe it. Will and I are still shocked. She is Ella's' sister (they were littermates) I feel so amazingly blessed to have been given this amazing second chance with Ella's sister. While she will never take Ella's place, this is still a miraculous second chance we could have never seen coming.

We are both very nervous with her. We already put bells on her so we always know exactly where she is. She looks so much like Ella. She's a little bit bigger and has a little more attitude than Ella, but she makes the same expressions. Her bark is a bit higher pitched and she doesn't hop as much, but she is still absolutely wonderful and we can't believe she is here.

We have not named her yet and with all the support everyone on YT has given us, we'd like all of you to help us name her.

You all have been Truly amazing through all of this, and I want nothing more then for you to share our memories with this new baby girl. We really want you to be apart of naming her with us, I miss my Ella so very much, she is not forgotten and never will be, my heart is still very much broken, but i feel so blessed to have received her sister, what an amazing gift that is, and we are just loving and loving her, we are both so nervous and scared around her, we just want to give her TONS of love and attention but we are just so so nervous about her every move.
It also makes me so sad because she does look like Ella, they have there differences but they really do have a lot of the same expression, its just so not fair to my baby Ella, I just miss her so very much, it just breaks my heart ....Anyway thank you so much to everyone, your support has been amazing in everyway. We both thank you from the very bottom of our Hearts, and My baby Ella is so VERY VERY lucky to have all these wonderful people here remembering her memory forever and now I have her sister which does make me feel closer to Ella, and even more paranoid and worried about this new one. Its been driving me nuts Not having a name yet for her lol ... we just wanted it to be something VERY special and we felt we couldn't do that without ALL of you helping pick the most perfect name for this baby girl.


Love always ,

Aub and Will
Nessa & Bridget Spanky & Rocky
RIP my sweet baby girl ella
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