Thread: Split Custody
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Old 11-21-2006, 04:03 AM   #25
YT 2000 Club Member
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Tassibo - I hope you read all of my post -

My point was that dogs can readily adjust to being with and visiting different people - let's make it a given that they are loved and well taken care these different homes.

Because -- I thought the situation here was that two people are breaking up - both of whom love the dogs... any abuse or not taking good care of the dogs didn't even enter my mind....

Nevertheless - I said that I thought the best possible solution would be for the girlfriend to get a new little puppy and have her own dog.

****** But - let's not forget that often when people break up or become divorced - they are able to stay friends. We have many of these situations in my family.

**** And my daughter and her husband may be leaving their dog with his parents - but they are not the dog's grandparents. In fact, let's be honest - the dog doesn't know about such relationships. All he knows is that he has known them for a long time and they love and take good care of him so he loves them back and loves to spend time with them. And - he loves to come over here too. (I have taken care of him a few weekends myself.)

When we start talking about relationships between dogs and people - I have to laugh at a recent post that said, "I am so worried - I'm getting my son neutered tomorrow...." Or the one that said, "We're going on vacation and we don't know where to leave our babies." Another - "My daughter has become agressive - and I can't afford a behavorial specialist."

Truly - sometimes I have to go back and reread posts - because I'm not sure if they are talking about their children or their dogs...... and - sometimes, believe it or not - they are talking about their children -

To each his own ---

Carol Jean
A Yorkie is worth a thousand words.
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