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Old 11-19-2006, 10:54 AM   #42
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Maryland
Posts: 68

Originally Posted by red98vett
ps - darlingdinkies post above isn't aimed at you personally - but I've seen people complain about the size of their yorkies before and heard it all....from "I wanted a tiny teacup & my yorkie weighs 5 lbs" to "I have back problems and my yorkie is too big"

My Cheri is 5 lbs. and that is feather light. I could understand it if your yorkie was in double digits but honestly - Is 2 lbs really worth stressing over ?
Huck is still what I would consider an adorably small dog, and has wonderful qualities (he's a total cuddler, never barks, great with kids, the list goes on...) It's not the fact that he's 5 lbs. that I'm most upset about. It's the fact that she charged so much for him based on the fact that he would be much smaller, not too mention the other qualities, pedigree, coat and ears, and he has fallen short (for lack of a better term) in all those areas.

For example, let's say you go to a reputable furniture store and pay 1000s of dollars for a designer brand couch that you just fall in love with. Then, lets say, a year later you see that same couch at a discount furniture store for much less, and it turns out the store you purchased your couch from had been running a scam and it isn't really a designer brand couch or designer brand quality. You may still love the couch - it still looks great in your living room, but you sure would be mad that you paid as much as you did.
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