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Old 11-08-2006, 01:12 PM   #41
Rescue Angel
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: md
Posts: 1,530

I so feel for you girlfriend. I kow exactly how you feel. One lucky thiing I found to help me through at least all the school issues was a WONDERFUL caring school counseler who worked with 2 of my boys the RIGHT way. It seems my son started a whole thing that they use now regular where the troubled kids go each morning before bell and get to talk or play or whatever they wish. They conselor puts them at ease for the day and the WHOLE school day goes MUCH smoother without all the usual issues that happened before. The woman never talked down to me and always seemed to truly care instead of that fake attitude that some scholl counselors use and tell you to see counseling because your kid is a freak or something. EACH year the boys do better and better in school because of her!!!!

As for home. .... I also have no hunny home except a few days a month and NO FAMILY or friends anywhere near. The kids were wild and disrespectful. I know this sounds CRAZY but I made a HUGE poster chart and we list chores and stuff for each child for each day on it. Each day they get colored foil stars for accomplishing tasks. IF they complete EVERY task all week they get to go to Kmart or someplace and pick a small prize...OMG this thing has made my wildest child calm down. he even bosses the other how they better get their stars. I always make the chart with a couple simple chores like pick up toys and make bed... and include stuff like NO TOCHING all day(to stop the fighting) and going to bed wihout screaming or fighting. They know if they touch or fuight about bedtime they will lose the PRIZE.
The younger kids LOVE seeing the stars go up each day as a chore is accoomplished and get a sense of PRIDE like they never had before!!!!
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