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Old 11-03-2006, 06:49 PM   #17
Donna Jean
YT 500 Club Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Colorado
Posts: 616

Poor you, I know you must be really worried.

I am a breeder, and I never let my babies go before they are at least 12 to 16 or 18 weeks old, as they are just too young to be away from their mommies, even if they are eating on their own, she probably really missis her litter mates, and mommie. I never let anyone have a puppy at that young age unless they take two. If you can afford to get her one of her litter mates it would help soooooo much, she will feel very secure, and have a little buddy to snuggle and play with.

I keep all my puppies on warm goats milk, they have it all the time, it is easy to digest, and is soothing on their tummies, they also will really lap it up with some pudding, or honey in it. It also helps them sleep through the night.

This little baby's only cries for a several reasons, one- it's hungry, two- she could be constipated. three- she could be cold, four she is tired and to miserable to go to sleep. or she could be sick. Try the warm goats milk with pudding, also give her some teething toys that you put in the refridgerator, she could be teething and her mouth is sore. I'm thinking she is just plain homesick and misses all her little litter mates. Keep her as close to your skin around your neck and chest, put a blanket around her, and rock her and sing to her real softly, she could come around in a day or two. If not I would go back to the Vet, or maybe consider getting one of her litter mates so she has a snuggle bug to be with.

Best of luck, please keep us posted as to how she is doing, she is just a little darling baby and all they do is eat, play, poop and pee and back to sleep. They need a lot of rest at that age, and to keep them busy I am always giving them honey toasted cheerios, warm Goats milk with Honey or pudding, helps keep their blood sugar level, and of course moistened dry food. with Cesar mixed in it. I'm with everyone else on Cesar, it is not the best for them but all my puppies love it. They also like scrambled eggs. You sound like you will be a wonderful mother, all that little one needs at that age also is alot of love. These babies go through a real fright stage from 10 to 16 weeks, and that is why I always sell my when they are older, and they always get sold with their favorite playmate. It seems everyone always ends up getting two , so I just start everyone off with two, it makes everyone's life so much easier, and it is such a joy to watch them play.

I don't mean to go on and on, but you might also call the breeder and let her know what is happening, she should be able to help you a lot.

Look forward to hearing how she will be doing in the future.
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