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Old 10-30-2006, 04:30 PM   #58
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Boothbay Harbor ME
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by nvnvgirl
Penny~ I'm not sure that you can really get that smell out at least as far as the dog goes. WE may not smell it, but I think dogs can still smell it somehow. My Max sleeps with us, but I know he sleeps all night, he can't get down from our bed anyhow; it's too high and we don't have a ramp for him. He's a really good sleeper. My vet told me that lots of people say that their dog sleeps all night and they really don't, but Max really does. He's right next to my butt, preventing me from turning without moving him first, LOL. I wouldn't have it any other way though.
I don't know what the answer is; Max goes outside most of the time, but if certain places are open to him, he goes in there. If the door is closed to that room, no problem. It's interesting to say the least
And, as far as the barking goes, Max barks when he hears someone in the yard or at the front door. And he really does hear things I don't....someone just came to the front door to stick a business card in and he heard it immediately; I heard nothing! But I went to the door just to humor him, and opened it and there was a card stuck in the handle! Max doesn't bark unless it's someone that he thinks is breaching the security of our home or occasionally will growl at some people (usually little boys, hehe). I think a dog that barks when someone comes up to your house is a GOOD thing, but it's also good if they stop once you've let the person inside, hehe.
The dog whisperer wouldn't agree but these little dogs are hard not to spoil. I love having my dogs sleep with me, but my husband grumbles alot. He says for little dogs they take up the whole bed. ( I have a Shih Tzu too)
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