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Old 05-21-2005, 08:52 PM   #15
YT 500 Club Member
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Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
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I did some research and I have another program that will take Mya before she is a year old. I can get her Therapy Dog In Training Patches. As well a as a cute patch that says "I am friendly you can pat me" I looking to the law here and it states that a therapy dog has more restrictions than a service dog for "public" places. But if I were to Mya to a private residence in a condo building that does not allow dogs she would be allowed it. Taking her to restaurants is always a risk but so far at the 5 she has been to, she has been fine. Something else caught my eye in my search. Service Dogs for those with depression. I may enquire in to that program. There was a group of teenagers waiting for a coffee sporting gothic makeup, spike mohawks, and such.
I thought they were a cute crowd although some fear them. Anyway I notice the boy with mohak lost his place in a very long line up to get coffee to see Mya. She was in her bag. He said they kicked out the pet store in the mall because of the way they look and that they knew they will never let them hold a puppy at the pet store.
I looked at this boys face and how wide his eyes were to even get a glims at Mya.
So I unzipped the bag and put her in his Arms. He was so overwhelmed with emotion.
Kept thanking me. He told me I was a sweet lady to see that all he need to day was a hug from a puppy. Some people warned that Mya would get stolen one day by some one running off with her. I really don't think they would get too far with her as even the security guards like her. The best think I have gotten from little Mya in the gift of sharing, if only for a few minutes. To talk to strangers and generally be more friendly.
I am even thinking that If I do breed Mya will donate a puppy for the disablities service dog training.
Driving the grammatically correct insane, one posting at a time
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