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Old 05-13-2005, 03:29 PM   #9
I Love My 3 Lovebugs!
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Well you have every right to be upset about the way they were with your baby! I absolutely can't stand it when people DO NOT respect what our wishes are for our babies!!!!!

I have a very nosy neighbor who always comes over everyday to see Luig and EVERYDAY I have to hear it from her how terrible she feels for Luig that he is gated up all day long. She always tells me how cruel it is and that I should let him have total freedom while I am gone! What nerve! She always asks to have him go over with her during the day but thats too long for him to be over there. I really don't trust her. So one day -against my better judgemant, I let her keep him one day for about 3 hours!!! You would have thought she hit the lottery!! She was soo happy!!! So I gave her strict instuctions regarding his feeding. Absolutely NO TABLE FOOD!!!! And I gave her the exact amount of food that he was to have!!! She looked at the bowl and tells me that that was not enough food. That poor Luig was gonna starve to death if thats all he gets to eat. Well that really irritated me. So I EXPAINED to her that he ate once already and he doesn't really need a ton of food. Anyways- he has a really sensitive tummy. So I left. I didn't have a good feeling when I left but.... So I went to pick him up after a few hours and she gave me his bowl back with all his food in it. I was confused. She said she didn't give it to him and she gave him some real food to fill his tummy and she gave him spahgette with meatballs!! I was furious!!!! I said that she totally disrepected me and went totally againt what I said. I yelled that it went in one ear of yours and out the other!!!! So I took him home and about 4 horus later I had a nice mess to clean up. He brought it back up and had the runs the next 2 days. When he threw up it was about 11:00 PM and I knew she went to bed early but I marched my butt right over there and rang the bell continuously til she anwered and I made sure she knew what she did to my baby--- "You made him sick!!!!" Among a few other choice words. Do you know what she had the nerve to say to me-- Well I didn't know he would get sick from that-- he ate all of it so he must have liked it! Uuuggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!! I was royally P-Oed!!!!!

People are soooooo disrepectful!!! I saw her a few days later- never apologized- only asked when she gets to wath him again!!!! She had sooo much fun with him!!!! I looked at her in total amazement and walked away. Til this day, she still doesn't thimk she did anything wrong!!!!

Soo sorry this was soooo long but.... People just do what hey want anyways and are not respectful!!!!!!!!
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