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Old 07-21-2006, 08:54 AM   #20
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Florida
Posts: 219
Default Please don't think I'M crazy...

No, it doesn't sound crazy at all to me. Your baby is barking and reacting because it is something that he/she isn't familiar with..... a stranger/ghost.

Our house was built in 1990. My mother died at our house in 1994 from cancer. When she was sick but still getting around Mother would wait until the kids got off to school and my husband left for work before getting up and moving around because she wanted to be unintrusive. They all left early and I would hear her up opening her closet door (it was the only sliding closet door in the house and you could hear it roll open and close) I would hear her water running in the bathroom and a creek or two from moving around upstairs. I'd go upstairs and we'd start sharing a great day enjoying each other.

After my mother died...I would hear the same morning noises coming from upstairs after the family left to start their day. I mentioned it to my husband but he wasn't there to hear it.... I didn't mention it to the kids. We kept the house but also bought a home in Florida and would spend about half the year in Florida. My husband would fly back to Chicago about every 2 weeks for business. He called me and said one day.... "Your Mother is certainly still here!" That was no surprise to me.... it just confirmed what I already knew. Our Silky Terrier and our Schnauzer never reacted to the noises upstairs after my Mother died because they knew my mother and the noises were natural noises that happened everyday. They knew it was her.....BUT... I'm sure if it was an entity that they had never encountered they would react like your dog did.

We just sold the house to downsize...and bought a condo for our part time use in the Chicago area. Don't think of me as crazy.... but I hope my Mother has moved on.... and I wonder what the new family is going to think about the noises in the house if they are still happening.
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