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Old 07-07-2006, 01:00 AM   #2
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Honey, let me tell you that I can't remember how many times I've posted a similar thing. You are absolutely right. I think we take for granted that newcomers know everything that we do...or they should know everything. When I came onto this forum I knew nada about Yorkies. I've learned so much here, and I'm thankful for it.

Yes, some people jump down people's throats, but I really feel that most people aren't trying to be malicious on purpose. They are soooo set and feel so strongly about what they believe that sometimes it comes across the wrong way. It's very hard to interpret someone via words. Right?

Honest to God, I try sooooo hard to keep the peace. Have I defended myself and been a bitch? Yes! But I make it a point not to purposely attack or make somebody feel like crap first...or at least I try. Cuz Lord knows when I start, it's hard to shut me up (okay ladies, no comments from the peanut gallery)! I haven't been here as long as a lot of people, but those who have, I feel a strong connection with a lot of them, and I can truly call them my friends (I'm not gonna list names cuz I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but you know who you are, )

I think that when you put a bunch of women (men aren't that catty) together, their thoughts and opinions go flying around. Each person wants to be right! But, you're correct...what is the right thing to do? That's why when someone asks a question that I may think is idiotic, I give my opinions in a nice way, and wish that person the best on their decision.

I'm gonna get off my high horse now, but I want to say one last thing. I like you already, b/c you seem like a peacemaker like me! Glad to have you hear on YT!
Nicole & Baby
"The more men I meet, the more I love my Yorkie!"
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