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Old 06-20-2006, 07:49 AM   #34
diva pup
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 1,139

Originally Posted by DJ30
BTW, the breeder told me I should recheck the dosage of Panacur because she only gives it to her dogs once a day. She thought it was a little too much. I called the vet's office and found out it's wrong and it should be once a day. Angel's vet was gone for the day, but I talked to another vet. She said Safeguard is a liquid form and is more accurate but it tastes awful. She said I could switch to this and a syringe would be included for the right dosage as it's difficult to measure a 1/4 tsp. of Panacur when I don't have the right measuring spoon. I used a 1/2 tsp. and removed half of the powder from the spoon. I gave Angel the 2 doses today, but the vet said it wouldn't do any harm as there have been studies re overdosing. The breeder said she might have an upset stomach and to give her rice if that happens. I agreed to switch to the liquid, but now I'm thinking I should stick to the powder since Angel is used to it from the breeder's and the other stuff tastes awful. The vet said I could use soft food and mix it in. I may call the vet's and tell them I'm sticking with the Panacur. The vet I spoke to said the amount charged should be about equal and it'd be a swap. I hope I don't have a problem. I don't know why Angel's vet didn't agree to Safeguard if it's more accurate and easier. Maybe it's the taste and the fact Angel has taken Panacur before.
Safeguard and Panacur is the same dewormer, fenbendazole. Giardia is usually easily and quickly treatable,Rio had it once and was a sick boy for a day or 2 but once he started on meds he was just fine.
Keep checking her for dehydration if she has diahrrea and is very small. Good Luck!
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