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Old 05-15-2006, 03:42 PM   #12
YT 2000 Club Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Yes - Pet insurance might be a reasonable solution....

Personally - I bought my dog - got toys, etc. and never put any money aside for vet bills. But, don't think I haven't had any. I've had some big ones. But more often than not (the big ones especially) were unexpected, and I just had to bite the bullet and take care of them.

I have a general savings for emergencies - this includes house expenses, plumbing, broken appliances, car repairs, and the other millions things that always seem to come up.

I don't have a lot saved, $500 to $1500 --- but the expenses I mentioned rarely come up and when they do, even if they are more, I get them paid ---and then start building up my savings again.

If I felt I had to have a special savings for my dogs - then I'd need one also for my house, my car, my health, etc. etc. etc. I just think having some savings (always) helps us get through a lot of problems.

Always have some money put aside for a "rainy day." --

Good luck! Carol Jean
A Yorkie is worth a thousand words.
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