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Old 05-12-2006, 02:37 PM   #7
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Last summer we took 2 looooong, multi-day trips with Rowdy. We were gone for a month on the first trip. We have a fifth wheel travel trailer that we pull, so it's sorta like home. We have an x-pen that we set up outside, as long as it isn't too hot - which it usually isnt' because we travel in NM and CO. We also have a stake with a long leash so that we can stake him out and let him run some. The only downside to traveling is that they have to be on leash all of the time. Rowdy isn't used to that becasue he has a backyard to romp and play in on his own. He does OK and after a couple of days, he's just fine - although I know he perfers to be off leash.

The first trip to NM/CO, we traveled 3500 miles in the pickup. One consideration is that if you travel in the summer, is stopping to eat. It is usually too hot to leave them in the car, so you are eating lots of fast foods and/or picnics. We are fortunate that we have a diesel pickup so we can leave it running to go in to a restaurant, but we do that only occasionally.

the second trip was in the car, without the trailer, so we stayed in motel rooms - that's OK, but it is better with the fifth wheel.

Rowdy loves to "go" - anywhere! this will be the first summer for Rexy (4 months) and Rowdy (15 months). I'm sure it will be interesting with 2 of them. We will be taking the trailer and staying in NM/CO for 6 weeks.
We have a double car seat for them to ride in the back seat.

One caution is stopping to let them potty - the grass at rest stops or around gas stations is full of trash and you have to watch them constantly, even on the leash, so that they don't eat something like cigarette butts, etc. Rowdy is VERY picky and I didn't worry too much but Rexy will eat ANYTHING so I know it will be a challenge with him this summer during potty breaks.

Both of our guys sleep most of the time on long trips, so they are no trouble.

Good luck traveling with your baby - they are a delight! I call my guys "chick magnets" because I will leave my hubby on a bench ouside a store (that doesn't allow dogs) and when I come out, there will be a passle of women around my husband, ooooing and ahhhing over the dogs. I know my hubby (secretly) loves it!!!
Rex & Rowdy's Mom
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