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Old 05-02-2006, 09:22 AM   #35
Oscar's Mom
My Little Biker Dude
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Default Gina, this WILL be the hardest thing you ever do!

But, it will also be the BEST thing you can ever do for yourself and those around you. I quit smoking 16 years ago. I smoked 2 packs a day, easy. I did not get out of the bed in the morning before I had a cigarette. I quit cold turkey after my son asked me to stop smoking - he was a young kid at the time. It was so hard. I cheated twice in the first year and smoked one cigarette each time. The second time, I got sick as a dog and never smoked again. I won't tell you I don't crave them, because I do...even now sometimes I will catch myself thinking about smoking and I can't tell you how many times I have dreamed about smoking or smoking and getting caught! But the thing is, I now cannot stand the smell of them, except the smell when they are first lit up...that is the best! After that they stink. I have heard that nicotene addiction is worse than heroine or even is a very strong addiction, but it CAN be broken. You have to make up your mind that you are stronger than that addiction is. And believe me girl, you ARE stronger and you CAN do it. It just has to be something that you WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE...until you get to that place, you won't be able to succeed. It has to be THAT important to you. I hope you will be able to do it, I know you can...I will be thinking about you going thru this. PM me if you ever need some support!!!
******************** Debbie G. - Oscar's Mom
****************** RIP SHARON 8-10-63 to 9-21-08
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