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Old 04-05-2006, 08:55 PM   #69
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Wow, this is so horrible. First of all, I wanted to say that I support you in whatever decision you make. I will pass no judgment. It was only a couple weeks ago when I came on here and told everyone that I was expecting. I remember you congratulating me and you were so excited about being pregnant with twins. I was excited for you also.
Please do NOT postpone your treatment for any reason. Do not let this cancer spread. It has to be stopped. When I first had my son someone said to me, “Take care of you first." I couldn't understand that at all, it sounded so selfish. I had a new precious little baby and I didn't mind working myself to the bone to take care of him. It wasn't until I really thought about what he said until it sunk in. If you are unhealthy, how in the world are you going to take care of those babies? They depend on YOU for everything in the womb and when they're infants. Your body needs to be healthy in order to carry and deliver those twins and to take care of your other kids. If you don't get the treatment then you could pass away or be unhealthy and then your unborn children would probably be unhealthy as well.
How far along are you? Is it possible to deliver the twins early? I do not think a hospital will do cancer treatment in the form of radiation on a pregnant woman. Please do not worry about being selfish. You sound like the least selfish woman I have ever met. Just try to think about the best possible thing you can do for your family.
Being pregnant myself, I would not postpone treatment. I also do not think I would let the baby suffer through radiation treatment. It would depend on how far along I was. My hospital will deliver a baby after 20 weeks.
Please keep us posted and if you have a good YT friend who you don't mind giving your addy to, I wouldn't mind sending a card or something your way. We will all be thinking of you during this hard time.
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