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Old 06-05-2017, 03:05 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by FlyingNimbus View Post
Okay, I shall take photos tomorrow. I'll muster the courage of going to this poison ivy infested area and taking photos.

The bad news is while I do have long pants they're all for going out to do stuff- not yard work....

Also how would I surgically destroy them without so much as touching the plant or poisoning the well water? We don't know exactly how it works, or where its at, we just know to be careful about toxins and stuff... If we could use something that will kill the poison ivy with certainty without remaining there forever and neutralizing the urisohl would be nice too...

I feel bad too because I found out that the neighborhood is really small and that there's essentially no sidewalks... I was told to just walk by the side of the road... but with a dog I feel that's not 100% safe.

So for me to let it out and run and play-- the first thing I have to be able to do is to get rid of anything that will cause me rashes...

Are there any other plants that could cause the same reaction as poison ivy? It's been kinda itchy but not like the previous ones where Id be tearing at my arms and legs with whatever I can find to scratch with...

Is there anyway to prevent future growth of them? Like is there a way to keep them out completely out of the yard? I wish there was a bacteria that specifically attacked poison ivy, oak, etc... I was thinking of finding a ton of aphids and throwing them on the plants but I doubt they'd actually go for it.

How do you get rid of the oils from the clothes? Do you have to bleach the clothes ? are they unusable after? What about shoes- specially suede shoes? I havent gotten them on those yet. But I have a pair given to me by my father that I've treasured for a long time. It was a birthday gift from half a decade ago...

Forgot to add, any other house plants, or anything that might be in the property that causes these blisters and itchiness?
The Roundup poison ivy killer comes in a spray bottle. It's easy to spray on the poison ivy leaves without any getting on other plants. It breaks down quickly in the environment and will be gone long before it reaches the well water.

Besides poison ivy, it could be poison sumac or wild parsnip. The other possibility is that you have an allergy to a specific plant that most other people aren't allergic to. The only way to know for sure would be to see a doctor.

If you launder your clothes on hot or warm with laundry detergent, that will get rid of the poison ivy oils without contaminating anything else. I would avoid walking in the plants with suede shoes until you're sure there's no poison ivy where you're walking. It would be harder to clean leather. (You'd have to consult a dry cleaner.)
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