Thread: Why Breed?
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Old 03-11-2006, 11:15 PM   #68
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elegntorchid (I think I keep butchering your name, if so I promise to get it right the next time!)

That's sorta how puppy mills begin.
"I think I have a fabulous dog! I think I should breed him/her! (puppies come) Wow, how lovely! I think I should keep one for a playmate! A year later (repeat of process above)." - and no, I'm not calling everyone here that fits the above description a overseer of a puppy mill!

Of course we all love our Yorkies and think that every household should have one just like him/her! I know I do! lol, but I also know that I want this breed to still be around when my great grand kids have their kids and I want those dogs to be every bit like my current Yorkies in body, mind and health- the very reasons we love them as much as we do and then some! To ensure that that's going to be the case, we've got to be responsible about this and do our research. Showing is not the only means in which perspective breeders can do this, it's just readily available to most and is a great start!

And I am all about new breeders getting their name out there if they think they truely have something special! That world has loads of people in it and their ranks are highly guarded (understandably so), and I think it's a shame that more breeders - who presumably aren't in it for the money (since there's no real money to be made!) - don't offer MORE advice versus critisism to those who are trying their best to establish a well thought out and organized breeding program. Even if all you intend to breed is one female and one male!
"Big things come in small packages"
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