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Old 11-19-2016, 04:04 AM   #7
♥ Maximo and Teddy
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Originally Posted by JennaPenny View Post
Yes. . I pulled it from her after we spoke last. But, I was letting her look on my vanity table and she found it and asked nicely for it. It was a moment of weakness I shouldn't have done. We not only threw that one out, but any of her raggedy or more than two day old lamb bones. My poor puppy LOVES those tiny pieces- especially when I hold them. We had to take her to her first vet today, nothing was available. I will say that the doctor doesn't screw around, and is a blunt person. He asked to be given a chance to get to the bottom of her issues, and then told me to eliminate everything but I/D and try adding them back in. I only give her nilla wafers- ground peanuts i grind myself for " peanut butter" (for her meds) Boiled food with hte additives the vet book has for the recipe, Fromms and I/D. Then the bully stick. We know for a fact the ears ae okay, and prob'ly because they usually only last for a day and a half. So, it won't take long to figure it out, if it's not salmonella from the stick.

I have Crohn's like I've stated. Bright red blood has never happened-internal, yes, bright red, no. Does Teddy ever get that, or has he ever had it? It wasn't a lot, but even two spots are enough for me to get upset for her.
Teddy has never had blood in his stool. Max had a couple drops once when I tried switching him to a really high protein kibble that did not agree with him.

Bone chews -- if she is swallowing part of the lamb's ear, that could be an irritant. Definitely stay away from pig's ear (the worst for dogs with gastro issues), and I would skip the bully sticks. They all have coatings on them that can be bad for dogs with gastro problems.

I would also skip the peanut butter/crushed peanuts. Both peanut butter and carrots (mashed) give my guys tummy problems, even the smallest amounts.

Kristin, Max and Teddy

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