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Old 08-11-2015, 10:55 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by gemy View Post

There are a number of things you can try. Add some grated Parmesan cheese sprinkled over his food. Feed him after exercising him so that hopefully he is hungry. Add some warm liquid to his kibble and let the kibble soften before feeding him.

This is one of the reasons I don't like free feeding - if food is always available dogs often can turn up fussy noses at it.

And if he is not skinny and a good weight maybe he is eating enough for his frame and metabolism. We have a good thread somewhere here on what an in shape dog looks like - but basically from above looking down on your dog you should be able to see his *waist*. In touching him ribs should be easily felt - but not really visible (except for a few certain breeds). Muscles should feel toned and easily palpable

I don't know how much your boy weighs mine weighs as an adult 6-61/4 pounds. He gets a little more than 1/2 c of raw a day - plus training treats. It is only on our most active days he would get a cup or a cup and 1/2.

These are all things I have heard on here - I have been blessed with healthy eaters who would never think to turn up a nose at food! I know my dogs are unwell when they turn down food!
Thanks for the info. Bruiser is just turned a year this week. He's on the smaller side of a full grown yorkie. His dame and sire were both over 6# one was 7# (I think if I remember the sire was 7 and change.) bruiser isn't anywhere near the height and bulk of either of them. He was the biggest of his litter and the only male. Bruiser is 4.5 lbs. He looks skinny but not unhealthy. His waist is very predominant, especially after a shave. But no ribs protruding. I took him in over a UTI a few weeks ago, the vet mentioned kinda in passing that he's a little too skinny. But the big concern at the time was his UTI so we didn't really address his weight.

If I give him wet food as a treat or snack he will refuse his kibble. So I stopped buying the wet. Except for special occasions (trip to the vet or groomers).

I've tried doctoring with chicken broth or putting shredded cheese in his bowl mixed in with the kibble. He'll attack the bowl, get the goodies out and ignore the rest.

He's always been a picky eater. I think I should have names him Fin instead. (short for finicky. ;-)

In case it helps, as a pup he was on science diet puppy, then switched to RC puppy per recommendation on YT. He never touched the RC so I tried Wellness Complete puppy. And about two months ago I started mixing it with Wellness Core Small Breed. He's fully on WC now.

He eats it. I don't do people food or scraps, but I have seen him steal a potato chip out of someone's hand and eat a small piece of a deli sandwich from the same person. (Pool party, friend was reprimanded. Why do people assume they can feed a dog people food when it isn't even their dog!?!) other than that he'll hang out in the kitchen while I'm cooking praying for me to drop something.

I'm adamant against feeding table food. But like I said, I'll slip him cheese after shots ( he won't eat for a day after his shots) or as a rare treat. He does need to bulk up though.

♡☆Mandy☆♡ mum to Bruiser RIP Bijou
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