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Old 05-18-2015, 10:23 AM   #87
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by mimimomo View Post
I just have to say this...what Phil is saying: 'I can't make ANY comment without SOMEONE feeling insulted' & 'I think that people also need to try not to seek insults where none are intended.'

Isn't that also what the other party is feeling? How ironic...

Just take a step back & see yourself in their shoes (in this case, the OP's shoes). Who joined this fantastic group that shares the love & bond of their beloved pets the same way as you...who run into a post/link that she thought was pretty great & want to share it.

It gets bombarded by naysayers & jokes thrown out that she's not sure why it's being thrown out. How would you feel? (You don't have to answer that.)

EVERY thread that gets posted about the Dentist, or DR. Becker (gasp!), or Dr. Dodds (what?!) does not have to end up like this...where Ann has to step in & moderate the divided groups.

Can we just get along?
Many of us tried to tell the poster that it was not joking at her and I think if she read some other posts about food she would see this was just trying to keep it from getting really heated. If we all got along and had the same opinions then life would be boring. In most cases these people who chose to fight and bicker will also call, give help when needed and be the first people to pray for a member or there dog if something is going on. I really don't see that anything was terrible on here but that's just my perception. Until recently I had been terrified to say I don't agree or like dr.Becker and dr.Dodds even now it's not taken well but I at least feel better knowing there are others like me. I remember posting a long time ago about a possum having been in my nice fenced in yard and how Callie knew not to go near it and was told how dare I take her outside without a leash and how horrible I am for doing that. There are things I have learned over the years you just don't post in my opinion unless I want to take the chance of being ridiculed and told how bad I am and made to feel like the worst dog mommy ever. I used to think that dog food advisor was great and that it was all about ingredients. I later found out the food Callie thrived on was Royal Canin but I kept telling myself it wasn't good food and she needed better so I switched. After her getting sick and having to go on prescription food and I took the time to look at how many dogs that prescription food has improved and even saved there lives and then I looked at the ingredients and I saw it's not the ingredients that dog food advisor or all these people are saying is the best ingredients. If they were the best ingredients and the ones in all these prescription foods are so terrible then how are they saving lives? How is it that vet nutritionists who study what dogs need say these foods with these " sub par" ingredients are the best. Just because say an apple is better for us then rice does not mean it's the same for dogs there systems are a lot different then ours. That was just like an example not a real comparison or anything.
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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