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Old 04-07-2015, 09:14 AM   #438
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Originally Posted by yorkietalkjilly View Post
You missed my point about Yorkietalk - I'm just taking the position of Ann, the OP, who started this thread to say that mean-spirited, overly-aggressive and snarky posts are causing complaints, can be hurtful, causes some to leave YT and we should try harder to be nicer and less aggressive to one another in our communications here while keeping our passion and zeal for the wellbeing of our dogs, other animals and each other. It's entirely possible not to rage or angrily zing another member in order to make a point and teach someone something. We get our points across better using straight forward but less harsh-toned messages - otherwise teachers would get in students' faces and berate and browbeat them into learning rather than keep their classroom teaching as genial, positive and upbeat as possible - a more conducive atmosphere for learning.

A kinder, gentler forum for teaching, imparting opinion, advice and information, every bit as passionate and non-PC, where necessary, to ferret out mistreatment and neglect, is more effective than a mean-spirited one, most teachers and great communicators think. After all, it keeps more members returning here more often who learn more about how to be better Yorkie parents than do those we've browbeaten, bullied and run off in a funk due to outright oppression or hurt feelings.

I've posted my passionate position about keeping caged birds and tanked fish on another thread - a very unpopular position, no doubt. My intent in posting wasn't to browbeat, angrily zing or disrespect anyone. I doubt most would think my post is mean-spirited or nasty-toned to anybody but if anyone wants to believe that, so be it. There will always be lots who disagree and hate those who speak out - we're free that way on YT. I'll leave it open to interpretation of any who want to read it whether my intent was to wound or bully someone or just share my opinion on whether keeping birds and fish as pets is a good life for them. I'll never let being politically correct get in the way of my passion for animal welfare but I won't bash anyone when sharing my thoughts and passions either. It's quite possible to be passionate for animal well-being without being thought nasty and ugly.
I don't think that I'm missing your point at all. When people are dictated how to post, the verbiage to be used, the tone is not acceptable and then they are policed it can also have the opposite effect. I've been told numerous times outside of the YT forum that there is so much knowledge held within the forum regardless of the few complainers it is still the "go to" place for good sound knowledgable information. All this thread really creates IMO is a place that a few busy bodies send members to whine about not being treated fairly or whatever the complaint of the day might be. Everyone has a different way of expressing their point, opinion, thought. That is why in the grander scheme each individual enjoys different (for example) authors. It is the way they present themselves just the same way that we each have a varying style of writing. Everyone is an individual and has a personal style. To tell people that they are not expressing themselves to another's liking to me is a way to drive members away as well. The witch hunting is another. Get's old really fast!
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
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