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Old 10-23-2014, 09:13 PM   #44
Rosehill Yorkies
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"Obviously RC is getting word that a lot of us are no longer happy customers (I know I wrote them stating so), hence the RC Rep showing up here for the first time in all these years I've been on YT"

I have been a customer of RC for over 35 years. I am in constant communication with them over all that time, for a variety of reasons and questions and explanations....and begging for product accessability! While I did mention YT and all the people that were upset with the label change, believe me, if anyone from RC chose to show up here, they did so out of the kindness of their hearts, not to try to salvage the company's bottom line!

The handful of "disgruntled" people on YT that are unhappy with RC, does not even amount to a drop in the bucket, as far as keeping RC afloat and selling dog food! This is a global dog food company....they sold dogfood for at least 10 years all over Europe, Asia, Canada, etc., before they came to the USA.... RC certainly does not really have to waste their time trying to "save their business" by coming on this forum, trying to educate people and perhaps answer questions they may have about dog food and the myths surrounding the ingredients. I know YT has a huge following, but to presume that RC came here because they were in a financial bind "since so many people on YT were now looking elsewhere"...I just wish we were all THAT important to anyone!!!....and I actually dont really believe there are actually that huge number of people that have been feeding RTC, have had no ill effects from feeding it, their dogs love it and thrive on it, and because the ingredients label moved positions of some ingredients, they kick this great food to the curb and jump into the frey of trying to find another dog food that their dogs do as well on, like as well, etc. It is just halariously funny to think this RC rep came here with any other intention other than trying to educate and clarify and explane to some people why the changes were done, what they mean, etc.

I appreciate the people that have accepted her gracious contribution in the spirit it was given, rather than insulting her, calling the company unethical, and insinuating the only reason she showed up is because this forum has some how injured/affected their bottom line! This huge, huge company has terrific customer service, and responding to a question or complaint is simply to provide that customer or handful of customers with clarity, not a desperate attempt to "save" the company from ruin! Like I said, this company is global, they sell to millions and millions of people all over the world, and they have been a huge, booming business, producing a product that many, many people are exceedingly happy with.......the few people on YT that are not happy and thoroughly disgusted with the "horrific" changes made by RC, are not going to be swayed by the contributions of a nutritionist....fault will be found with anything she says or does, and reasons why she has come to help will be misconstrued and misjudged.

It is rather amusing that some of the people that are so very concerned about telling abusive, negligent pet owners what THEY are doing wrong and are so appalled with breeders and others that try to educate and inform these people, will quickly insult or try to discredit a professional that is offering unsolicited advice and help about nutrition and the product/company she works for, with no concern SHE will get "her feelings hurt and run away into the shadows, never to return". She is the only one that has ever come to this site and done that....There has never been a vet or a nutritionist, or a researcher or a scientist that has bothered to show up and offer their time or expertise to anyone on YT for any reason. Thank you Ashley, you really are appreciated by soooo many more on here....I will call them "The Silent Majority"! They may not agree with you, but they will ask and think about it and learn.

Last edited by Yorkiemom1; 10-23-2014 at 09:16 PM.
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