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Old 10-23-2014, 08:03 PM   #42
Resident Yorkie Nut Donating YT 20K Club Member
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Originally Posted by KazzyK810 View Post

Geez, now we can't even share our personal opinions of how we that actually feed the product in question feel about what a dog food company did? Nancy, you clearly stated it as your opinion. Well, it happens to be the same as mine!

I have fed this food to ZoE since she was six weeks old. I'm sitting here with two bags of RC with clearly different ingredients. There's no notice on the newer bag of a change in formula. No heads up or hey you might like to know that we've made changes. I think it is sneaky & shady as hell, and I'm totally ticked off by it!

I said it breaks the trust that I as a consumer have in this company. If they do a switch with no notice with one formula of food are they likely to do it with another formula in the future...most probably, in MY opinion! As a loyal customer, forking over my hard earned money for their product, I expect to be infòrmed, not to have to be on the lookout for a sly change. It's bad business practice, in MY opinion!

Obviously RC is getting word that a lot of us are no longer happy customers (I know I wrote them stating so), hence the RC Rep showing up here for the first time in all these years I've been on YT.
The question I have for you is this: Did you feed the food because RC marketed it based upon ingredients? Or did they market it as a food fit for the Yorkshire Terrier breed? Do you know enough about nutrition to know if this food is no longer fit for the Yorkshire Terrier breed? I don't feed the food but have looked at it...and don't recall them ever saying we don't use this or that in our foods. I think that is the main point here! I don't see how they were sneaky at all...but that's just me and as I said, I don't buy all the hoopla about ingredients...I look at companies that I believe are safer. I think they had to change for the reasons she stated and they did it after careful consideration. They have a reputation to maintain...I hardly doubt they did this will any any ill intent...or did something that is going to change the outcome if a person feeds that food. I would have no qualms about using that food if I was not already happy with what I feed my pups.
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