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Old 01-30-2014, 04:19 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by yorkietalkjilly View Post
I'm right there with you. I've worked in a surgeon's office for my whole life and quickly learned not to be distracted by human suffering all that much but all that comes to a screeching halt when I see a dog who is sick/injured. I can barely hold myself together when it's a dog in trouble. And it's getting worse with me.

I was driving home yesterday when I saw 10 or 11 cars pulled over to the side of a feeder road off LBJ Freeway that I take home and I slowed down. All of the people were out of their cars which were parked anyhow along the way and congregated around something in the center of the group. I wondered if it were a fight or a wreck/pedestrian struck with a victim down but couldn't see any damaged cars and heard no sirens on the way. As I drove by very, very slowly, I saw the crowd part to reveal three people lifting a full-grown, gorgeous German Shepherd dog, with one lifting under his chest, one his middle and another his hind quarters and were carrying him toward an SUV with the hatch open. The dog was awake, his big brown eyes were pretty wide open and his ears were way out to the sides as if he were in distress so I imagine the poor guy had just been struck by a car.

He looked right at me with those big, brown eyes as I drove slowly by and I just burst into tears and cried all the way home. He looked so pitiful, confused and obviously in real trouble and it just hit me so hard seeing a dog that way. I wanted to call around to the vets' clinics and vet ER nearby and just see if they could tell me anything about him but decided they all probably had their hands full with the dogs they had in their clinics and wouldn't tell me anything anyway. I felt such an instant connection to him. But thankfully he had a whole lot of rescuers and people already helping him so I'm certain he got whatever vet care he needed with that many people stopping to help and obviously concerned about him. I have thought a lot and worried about him since and just pray he's going to be okay.
That must have been awful. I'm so glad someone was helping him.
I can't watch those animal cop shows and I turn off the humane society ads on tv. I have seen enough suffering animals and I don't need to be reminded by the television. It is good to know that there are still enough caring people to rescue a dog hit in the road. I have seen far too many people who always figure someone else will do it and drive or walk right by.
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