Thread: Huh???? (rant)
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Old 11-07-2013, 10:18 PM   #19
♡Huey's Human♡
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Originally Posted by McheleM View Post
My cousin was 15 when she had her first. Went on to have 5 more. Lives on welfare, food stamps, state child support, ssi, you name it. And she's taught her oldest 2 daughters (one who has 3 kids and is barely 21, the other is 19 and has 2) that the state "owes you". They expect the handouts and free medical treatment and formula for their kids. My cousin is 36 and has never worked. She refuses to. She told me "why should I work, when I get more from the state?" She's been married 5 times, divorced 4 and widowed 1 and is about to marry loser number 6. It's ridiculous. Her mom takes care of her youngest 3 kids, she doesn't even take care of them. But she still collects from the state for them....
I see so much of this...
Something is really screwed up with the system that this can continue to happen again and again. I just haven't figured why people think they are "entitled" just because they draw breath. I think many of them never even consider where that money is coming from (YOU AND ME!!!) or if they do, they just don't give a flip. They come to the ER because it is "free" and they don't have to wait for an appointment. They want million dollar workups for chronic issues because they have absolutely no intention whatsoever of paying any bills they might receive. One of my hard working coworkers got her pay garnished (by her employer, OUR hospital, no less!) because she was paying less than the minimum monthly (but WAS paying every single month) and when she asked the billing people about all the other no paying customers, she was essentially told that the hospital doesn't waste money trying to collect on bills they know will never be paid, they just go after the ones they know they can get money from. That pi***d me off so bad, I wanted to lose my mind on those people, but I need my job. It sucks!
Huey's mom, Marilyn
:When a day starts & ends with puppy kisses, I can handle anything that comes in between!
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