Thread: Anal Glands
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Old 02-15-2006, 07:02 AM   #11
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Kansas
Posts: 223

I'm pretty sure the groomer doesn't ever express Murphy and Jasmine as they don't need it. Duffy, however, does. We got him at about 11 weeks old. A couple of months later he started having an odor. Even after I bathed him he had a bad odor. I can't explain it but it was a very bad smell. Sort of like a sewer. That's the only way I can explain it. Someone told me about the anal gland and that some dogs needed it expressed. I took him to the groomer and had him groomed and the anal gland expressed and it made all the difference in him. I don't know why he needs it and the others don't but that is the case.
Someone mentioned adding more fiber to his diet. His diet is mostly Biljac frozen dog food. Chicken and rice with a little vegetables (which I cook for them). Eggs a couple of times a week. Cheese as a treat. Sometimes a weiner as a treat. (I know it probably isn't good for him, but he loves it. I also buy treats. Doggie jerky, etc.

He eats a little dry dog food. It is out all the time but they don't like it all that well. How can I add more fiber to their diet?
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