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Old 09-22-2013, 04:55 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Yorkiemom1 View Post

#1) Outlaw selling of puppies/kittens in pet stores....THAT is where the puppy mills sell their dogs! To shut down a puppy mill, you can not dirve responsible breeders out of business....hit the puppy mills in the pocket, and close down where THEY sell the majority of their pets. Also, I know personally people I used to work with that do NOTHING but sell to pet 6-8 weeks...totally under the radar, and they are making a LOT more money than I do!!!....they are going to keep flopping along, doing just fine....
2) Outlaw puppies (live animals) being sold at flea markets. This is disgraceful and hundreds of irresponsible breeders hawk their pups in flea markets....sick, dying, ill bred puppies. These stupid regulations will do NOTHING to stop this!
3) EDUCATE the public....spend all the money these animal activists line their pockets with, with flooding the market with info about what kind of dogs they are getting and what kind of people they are support when they buy ill bred babies, sold in shopping center parking lots, garage sales, flea markets, pet stores, etc.... Society MUST understand there are people that will REFUSE to get the message and will continue to support CHEAP dogs....I am sorry, but who is the bigger fool???? The fool or the fool that follows the fool????? You just can not legislate intelligence or common sense and the buying of cheap dogs will continue, and people will squeal like a pig under a gate when the pup dies on them, "cant imagine what in the world happened or what I did wrong".....Make it illegal and then enforce it, to sell live animals in open markets, garage sales, pet stores, etc. Go after the CROOKS that sell dogs on the internet and scam people, NOT honest people that sell dogs and do so honestly and stand by their dogs. Just because a person does not think it is the proper thing to do to sell a puppy off a website, if the breeder is not a crook and the puppy is exactly what the breeder claims it is, and she stands by her pup, and is responsive to the buyer, leave THESE people the heck alone! They are NOT hurting a single soul....go after the crooks, not the honest people, just because some people dont like the idea of selling pups unseen....this is perposterous(sp?)!!! This is where they couyld start, if they REALLY wanted to be effective against puppy mills....but it aint going to happen.
These people CLAIM they are trying to shut down puppy mills by stopping the buying of puppies on line or site unseen. That is stupid. If you want to go after crooks that do this, and have buyers that are damaged because they bought a puppy off a web site, PUT TEETH INTO LAWS THAT PUNISH THOSE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE. Designate someplace, say, the USDA, duh!!! where a person that has been scammed, has been sold a puppy that was sick or died immediately after the person bought the dog, cases of switch and bait, etc, etc, etc and let the USDA go after the CROOKS, making sure the people that were scammed or stolen from are compensated, and the "breeder" that sold them the puppy is raked over the coals. All these regulations have 2 purposes...generating revenue and to eventually make breeding all animals illegal.
First of all a commercial breeder isn't necessarily a puppy mill. A puppy mill is where conditions don't even meet state laws. Outlawing dogs to be sold at pet stores would do nothing to help with the problem, right now 80% of dogs are not covered with any type of regulations because they are sold directly over the internet. At least dogs sold at pet stores have had to have some type of regulations and a minimum standard of living. State law dictates the age of pups to be sold, while I don't agree with it either many here would ague it's fine.

I agree with you on flea markets, but I'm sure many would fight that too because "this is America and people should be allowed to do want they want."

I try and educate the public at how to select a responsible breeder, but visiting the home is something I believe in. If you don't think someone is responsible/safe enough to come to your home, why sell them an innocent puppy?

You seem to think we need more teeth in the laws, but do you understand that there are no laws that cover breeders who sell directly to public?
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