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Old 06-19-2013, 10:16 AM   #26
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Posts: 458

The reason why I am upset is because you all have bits and pieces of knowledge.. this controversy has gone on for years, and you are not even touching the surface!!!.

I have had Biewers since 2006.. brought them over from Germany. They are NOT their own Breed.. they are yorkies.. the were born from yorkies.. if nothing was bred into them, they remain yorkies. The MARS test is not a reliable test.. the data used to determine the Biewer Terrier,( not the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, which is the Dogs we originally brought over in the early 2000's) was questionable at best!

Once you read through ALL of the posts that are here on YT.. then maybe you will get some idea of what you all are talking about!! But right now, it would take years to bring you up to speed. There just isn't enough time in the day. It isn't because I'm a breeder that I don't want to help new people.. it just makes me angry that people THINK they can just go around spouting all of this JUNK! Well.. before you've invested 8 years of your life and many MANY thousands of dollars into these YORKIES (and believe me, they are yorkies, not a separate breed my opinion of course)or at least you've read ALL there is to read about them so you can make an EDUCATED decision, and not one based on limited knowledge... then please, at least state things as your opinion, and not fact!.

If you want good information, go to this website.. you will get some REAL information about Biewers and Parti's
Greenwood Biewers

Last edited by GreenwoodBiewer; 06-19-2013 at 10:21 AM. Reason: hit the botton to fast.
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