Thread: docking
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Old 06-14-2013, 02:02 PM   #53
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Oh my, over 50 posts the controversial subjects get all the attention. There have been some very intellectual posts here, lots of research that seems to prove that tiny puppies do feel pain and tiny puppies don't feel pain.
I rarely get upset and know the last time I got annoyed (probably one of the very few times) it was about this very subject as a poster considered docking an older dog.
I don't have to make a decision, I live in UK and it is illegal to dock but want to throw in my tuppence worth.
Circumcision - yes this is widely accepted for boys normally due to religion, tradition or health issues. Female circumcision? Not so widely accepted but nonetheless still a fact of life, why is this so much more shocking than for boys?
Feet binding? Billions of people practiced this for years, tradition? Religion? Acceptable?
What would happen in a world where it was considered "right" to amputate a toe, or finger or ear, would we run frantically to surgery with our newborn human babies? In this century we can choose to have all sorts of surgery, there are many people suffering from disorders who want to remove limbs, sexual organs (not necessarily talking about gender transitions here) do we as a caring, nurturing, human race support this?
As adults we can choose to fix our nose cos it is a little bent, snip our eyelids cos they are a little baggy, pull our ears to the back of our head cos we want to get rid of our wrinkles and look younger (or maybe we want to look like a startled blow up doll) but the point is this as adults we can choose some of these procedures but we can't choose to remove a limb.
Our animals are in our care, if there is any risk of hurting them apart from pain to save their lives, are we really doing the right thing supporting amputations? Is it for the betterment of the breed? If so, by now surely the tails would just stop growing by themselves.

Not gonna tell you whether I am for or against..........can you guess?

Tracey and Wee Alfie
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
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