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Old 01-09-2013, 06:20 AM   #4
♡Huey's Human♡
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Originally Posted by yorkietalkjilly View Post
Here are some thoughts. Kissing and getting in between us and our activity is one of their "endearing" little ways of demanding attention be switched and kept 24/7 on them! hehehe. First of all, disagree with that behavior and stop it with a firm "Uh oh" and push him away, keeping constant eye contact with him and tell him "Lie down". Then keep that eye contact and your outstretched pointed finger toward him until he does back off and lie down. He will be back and you will repeat until he gets the message that you and you alone determine play time with him. Stand up to make the point if you must each time he tries it again. And keep that eye contact and stand over him once he lies down to follow-up the message to him that you are serious if he doesn't at first comply. Don't be cranky or scary - just matter-of-fact and using eye contact and body attitude and the "stand down" as his mother or alpha leader in the wild would do to push him back from seeking attention. Once you send a firm-enough message and stick by it, he will learn over time. But be patient as this is a teaching moment and that is what you will be doing, teaching him to stop one behavior and do something else you want. And as we know, dogs or people don't learn things that easily when it goes against their wants!
Very good advice. When I have had enough, I do sit up so he can't stand on me. He will eventually lay down and chill, even if just for a little bit. (But then i feel bad and want to play with him some more) He has my hubby all night and me all day, so he only has 30 min or so of alone time all day. I do the big greeting after work, which I know is wrong, but how can I resist that face when he is sitting on the back of the recliner, waiting on me to come in the door! Right now he is hovering towards the bedroom because he knows it is almost my bedtime & when I lay down he will get to climb on me for a few minutes, but then he shoots under the covers & snugs up as close to me as possible and we both go to sleep. I am not a good disciplinarian. I let him go on longer than I should and should stop his behavior sooner, even if for no other reason than I CAN when I need to...Thanks for the advice! Sometimes an outside set of eyes can make things clearer.
Huey's mom, Marilyn
:When a day starts & ends with puppy kisses, I can handle anything that comes in between!
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