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Old 01-21-2006, 02:22 PM   #47
YT 2000 Club Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
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This person is obviously a breeder - and has a lot of animals.

After watching Animal Planet - and many situations (even people's homes) that dogs live in and are bred in, I think this kennel is like animal heaven. It's the cleanest place I've ever seen. Her cages are a decent size for a tiny Yorkie to stay in for a while every day. (Mine spends a good portion of the day sleeping on a chair -even when I'm home.) She has a grooming area (wow!). She has an outdoor area for the dogs where they can play and socialize. I think her facility is wonderful. I wish I had an area like that so my dog could go out without a leash.

As was mentioned, she did state that the cages are safe places for her animals to stay while she's at work.

I can't critize this person's facilities - her dogs are clean, well fed, safe, groomed, get to go outside and get fresh air and socialize, etc. etc. etc. They all look happy and healthy to me --- and the pups will be going off to wonderful new homes. I would suppose that the older Yorkies are their pets.

This person is raising dogs to sell. She's a breeder. I think this is a reputable business. And, she has built as near-perfect a place to do this as possible - as far as I'm concerned.

If you bred dogs and had several dogs with litters of pups - what better type facility could you have..what could you do that would be better. Please - don't tell me they'd all be running around your house!!! (I can see this with one or two dogs and one litter - but not if you're a serious breeder and have more dogs.)

I would think that some of you more serious breeders on YT - would love to have a facility like this (or even a smaller one) for your dogs. Having this area doesn't mean they can't come out and be with the family - and, it looks like her dogs do.

I think we're running out of things to complain about!!!!! I haven't read all the posts - but wish the owner of this kennel could come aboard and tell us more about herself and her dogs.

I do think that deliberately breeding such "tiny little Yorkies" is not what most of us like to see being done - but I'm afraid that that's going to go on for a while.

Carol Jean

PS: As far as birds go - I have several friends who raise and breed birds. And, stacked cages, (if you have many birds) are the normal and acceptable way to keep them. And, believe me, the birds are fine. I have a very large cage with one bird (a Sun Conure) -- and he wouldn't care if there were another bird cage above or beneath him. He would probably enjoy the company. ----But - one bird is enough for me!
A Yorkie is worth a thousand words.

Last edited by SnowWa; 01-21-2006 at 02:27 PM.
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