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Old 03-04-2012, 06:04 AM   #66
Princes mom
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Originally Posted by navillusc View Post
Others can give you more and probably better advice, tips and tricks. All I can say is be observant, putting yourself in his place of being a baby in a new, strange place where the rules are not yet clear and the roles are ot completely established. There is no manual.

His whole life has just changed...for the better...but, still it changed. The place is different, the people are different...all things are, well, different. It can be a little overwhelming at first, for both of you. This is not the time to worry too much...more like the time to start as consistent a routine as possible...and one you can modify until it fits, and that you can keep up.

I think a rule of thumb of how long they can hold it is about 1 hour for each month of age after a certain level of physical maturity, but that's an approximation and very dependent on so many things. I would definitely not depend on a 5-month-old puppy reliably holding it for 5 hours. (Maybe if I had stock in cleaning products!)

What goes in also comes out. Think about yourself...when you drink lots of water, you take lots of walks. No or few drinks means longer time between walks. Same with exercise.

Brody was 14 months old when I got him and was said to be "housebroken" but would only go to the door...quietly...they said. I didn't see that behavior from him for months. Things were different here...and so was he because of the changes. He had to get used to us. He needed time to bond. He may have been 'shy' at first about 'asking' or maybe he was trying to be 'invisible' or maybe he was guessing he'd be going back 'home' and was just biding his time. No way to tell...the burden of welcoming him and seeing to his needs was on I was responsible for the change.

I took him out once an hour and we walked around and petted and played until he did something or I figured it had been enough time...not a 'clock' number of minutes. If there was an accident, I knew it was me who failed him...still is...I stayed right with him until he acclimated. Things are well regulated now, but he's been here over 9 months now. Accidents are still my fault...not theirs, his or Mia's. Sometimes I make mistakes in judging their needs.

When you take Julian out, if he's just standing, he's not going to do anything. Give it a little bit of time, then go in. If you think he should have needed to go, take him back out in 30 minutes, but stay with him after he goes back in. Any indication he needs to go, take him back out immediately.

If he's circling, or wobbling around, sniffing, whatever, let him...circling, he's got something to do. Wobbling or sniffing, maybe. If, after taking him out hourly for, say 3 hours, with no results, then out at 15-30 minute intervals until he does. Give him a drink of water first, even if it is out of your cup...get a new cup, or get him his own, and his own coaster on your coffee table. Note the time of day, and time in relation to when he ate or a guideline...a starting point.

Watch him when he's out and as soon as he starts going or even getting into 'position' to go, give him a cue, like "go potty" and lots of praise..."Good Julian" he learns to associate the behavior with the that later you can say "go potty" and he will know what ou want from him. Treats work too...I do not use treats for standard manners.

I took Brody out first thing in the am, then 20 min. after breakfast. Out after work, out again at about 2-hr intervals until we figured each other out. Now, he goes first thing in the morning...whatever time, breakfast about 6 am, out immediately after work...whatever time, dinner about 6 pm, out about 7:30-8, then out before bed...whatever time. If more than 2 hrs pass, and he and Mia are playing, panting and drinking water, then out within 1 hr. and usually only after giving them up to 30 minutes of unwind time.

When we puppysit Sunny, they go out more frequently because everything is again changed.

Brody will sometimes scratch the door, sometimes he will walk to the potty pad, looking back at me, or walk toward the hallway and bathroom. I have learned his signs rather than try teaching him new ones. If he walks away at all, I make sure I know where he's going so I can tell what he might be needing.

I always reserve the right to change everything if I learn of a better way.

You will get the hang of it...but you will need patience, time, energy, perseverance and paper towels...lots of paper towels....and soap!

Enjoy every minute...the problems will pass. I am so happy for you!

(Sorry this's so long! )
(You are such a great mommy! I love your post!!)

Briayana, many years of happiness to you and Julian. He is a cutie!
Prince, rest in peace. We miss you and love you so much.

Last edited by Princes mom; 03-04-2012 at 06:06 AM.
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