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Old 01-04-2012, 06:49 AM   #24
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I know quite a few teachers and although they love their jobs, it is very hard to get a teaching job around here and I know a lot have been second-guessing their degrees and thinking they should have done something else. At least one has just stopped trying and got another job, although she still tutors. It's tough out there for teachers who are newly out of school!

I'm not a teacher, but I love my job. I never thought I'd say that! Last summer I quit my first real "career" job because I felt I wasn't being treated fairly, it was stressful, and I just didn't like it. I moved to another company that seemed great, but when I got there, it wasn't! I dreaded going to work every day. I swore that in a few years when we start a family, I was not coming back to work and I'd just find a job somewhere in my little town and be done with it. After 3 months though, I couldn't take it, and another place I had interviewed with contacted me and asked if I might reconsider their offer or if they can give me anything else to make me switch. Are you kidding? Haha so I did switch, and it was the best decision I've ever made!

I am a designer for Urban Land Development. It is so much fun for me! I work with plans of new subdivisions, parks, etc. and I set up road grades, lot grades, utility locations, garage/driveway locations for the lots, sidewalks, drainage, and I work with landscapers to make it look pretty Besides that, the office is really laid back. I can come in whatever hours I want, and they even gave me a laptop so I can work from home whenever I need or want to. For the last half hour of every Friday we have "Happy Hour" where a couple of people (it rotates) bring in beer and snacks and we just all hang out, because who really wants to work at the end of a Friday? I really can't believe I didn't find this place sooner lol!
Lindsey and Layla, Lucy, and Kash
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