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Old 01-11-2006, 03:19 PM   #6
SoCalyorkiLvr's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Sugar's Mom
You most likely will be asked to sign the breeders contract instead of her signing something like this for you. You can tell her what you would like your puppy to be and ask lots of questions to make sure you are getting what you want but you shouldn't be "stipulating" anything to her since it seems the deal has already been made.. Hopefully, you have already discussed most of these things with her before you committed to sending the deposit. Oh and one more thing, no breeder in her right mind will guarantee size. All they can say is what they think and sometimes that is way off thru no fault of the breeder. If I were you, I would "ask' if there is a health guarantee. If not, you shouldn't send the deposit. Again, these things should have already been discussed between the two of you. My contract also said that the AKC papers would be mailed to me when the breeder recieves them from AKC.
A contract is between two people and everyone has a right to state what they would like the contract to say. If there is anything in the breeder's contract you do not agree with after you review it, you should discuss it and reach an agreement, and then interlineate the changes or redraft the contract to say what the agreement is. If the breeder has agreed to something verbally that is not in the written contract, go ahead and add it and have her initial it and you do the same.

Just because the breeder has a boilerplate contract does not mean that you cannot negotiate different terms or have verbally agreed upon terms added. Don't be intimidated or afraid to ask. This is a huge are taking on the responsibility for a life and it should be under the terms that you are confortable with.

Imo, you should have a separate agreement as to the terms of the deposit and under what situation it is refundable. I have never had a breeder take a deposit from me and tell me it is non-refundable. The breeders I dealt with never have a problem selling their pups so if I had decided not to purchase one for whatever reason, my deposit would have been refunded. They told me that would not want someone to feel obligated to get a puppy from them if their circumstances changed or they found a different puppy they wanted. These are breeders with waiting lists so they are not inconvenienced and they do not lose money as a result of this.

For example, there was an instance where I was third in line to get a female out of a particular litter that was unborn and I sent in $300 to hold my spot in line. Well, the female only had males so I got my deposit back because this breeder knew I was looking for a female puppy out of that dog and tht bitch and she wasn't going to be breeding that combination again for over two years so she encouraged me to continue my search and returned my money.

Hope this helped and good luck with your new puppy!
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