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Old 08-04-2011, 04:38 PM   #18
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There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. There are just certain breeds that are less likely to give people a reaction because the smaller the dog the less allergens it has. See article below:

Pet allergy: Are there hypoallergenic dog breeds? -

I have also watched Dogs 101 on Animal Planet and they also say there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Breeders label dogs with that so they can charge more money for them~my brother fell for it.

I myself am allergic to dogs and cats. I have severe reactions to certain cats and to certain dogs. I take zyrtec everyday because I hate the allergies but I LOVE MY DOGS!
I have a lab springer mix and I have been allergic to him since he was a puppy. I know they say exposure to pups early on can supposedly give you more immunity to the dog but that was not the case with him.
Now my yorkie I got when she was 2 1/2 years old and I have NEVER had a reaction to her at all~I am still taking the zyrtec but if I forget to take it I still don't react to her and she is up in my face all the time.
I just think there are certain small dogs that have less dander therefore they are less likely to give people with allergies a reaction.
Ann 's:Lucy and :Tubby
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