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Old 05-15-2011, 08:30 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by babyjohn1 View Post
In all honesty your missing the point, I bred my dog for selfish reasons? How dare you, I did not breed for selfish reasons. I cant beleive you would say that, like I said ignorance at its best, you prove my point. And as for pet overpopulation? I make sure my puppies have a home before they are born. SO before you open your ignorant mouth, THINK! Get a life, I know your probably over 30 and old, but don't just push your political views on everyone, please spare me the heartache. ANy one else who isnt a dumass and isnt going to BASH me are welcome to give me advice. I can afford all the cost I will aquire, so please I know where the concern is coming from but I get the whole "cost" I will keep you updated with vet visits and pictures.
Try not to get upset and burn your bridges...there are a lot of good breeders here that could help you should you need it. There are also a lot of zealous people here (for lack of a better word) that often go above and beyond just answering the basic question which in turn offends people and the result is what you've seen here. People do breed for different reasons and like other things in life sometimes people don't agree with reasons for things that are different from their own...and with most things the truth generally lies somewhere in the middle.
The best you can do is wait until your actual question gets answered and pick up some tips you might not have thought of from some of the others.
My first litter I thought I had thoroughly prepared and studied, studied, a mentor and a 'helper' and I when it was all said and done I realized how little I really knew. Now we're having our second litter and I learn new little things all the time from others, from this site, etc. -- it's an on-going process.
Maybe you hadn't heard that 5 yrs was not a recommended age for a first p.g. - but it's done and that's a good tip to know for the future.
Remember like others that don't agree with you, you don't have to agree with them, just take away the things that will help you, in your situation, not theirs. And also try to understand their stations in life, where their line of thinking (that is different from your own) comes from. Some of those here have spent a lot of in shelters and have seen the results of neglected dogs and it's so ingrained in their minds and hearts that it's probably hard for them to see past that. I truly admire those that help in rescue work and shelters, saving abused and neglected dogs...I'm probably too sensitive and it's something that would haunt me so much I don't think I could do it.
I think what people here have reiterated many a time is the importance of responsibility to the pups they bring into the world. I had my pups checked, doubled checked by not one vet but two and confirmed by both that they were healthy salable pups. If they had not had been I would have kept them or found someone willing to take them knowing any deficiencies they might have. Same goes for this upcoming litter. I am fully confident due to both the dam and sire's history that these pups will be as excellent as the last but with every litter from any breeder something unexpected could crop up - thus I am prepared to be totally responsible for them. I also have the people who bought (and will buy) my pups agree to return them to me at any point if they no longer can or are unwilling to care for them. I am willing to return their money if returned within the first few months, that's for the sake of the puppies, not in my interest.
So I think it's that sort of thing people want to be known: the importance of not breeding willy-nilly and wanting those who do choose to breed (for whatever reason) that the responsibility goes long past the sale...quite a commitment.
Good luck...keep asking questions with an open mind - for the good of your dog and her pups.
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