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Old 12-30-2005, 05:12 PM   #15
Yorkie Mum
YT Addict
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Somewhere land
Posts: 364

As someone that currently owns a Yorkie that is Three years old and is fear aggressive it is livable and trainable.
I would,first want to know what happened at the groomers and what set off the little guy as it could be his fear lies in being handled by a rough stranger.
Could be another dog, could be a smell, could stress of you not being around.
Second I am not sure what training your vet was in behavior but not all vets know what is going on with aggression.
Find a trained behaviorist.
Third watch the trainer that is coming he/she should talk and walk the gentle and slow method anything rough or fast will put the little one into a tail spin and make it worse. Say I who learned the hard way.
Send me a Pm and I can get you some titles of books that you can read and learn more from. All of which I have read.
Also He is 7 months old totally the time when the world makes less sense and is more scary and this is normal just do everything slower and give him time to think things through.
I also get some nice friendly strangers to do the toss the treat and make strangers not so scary.

Hope some of this makes sense and know you are not alone.
My girl Loves her kids and her Friends and will bite those that get in her space to fast if she does not know them. She was teeth and she know and will use them. My job is to manage her stress and her surrounding to keep her safe.
Why is it we must have dogs like everyone, we as humans do not like everyone. As an owner of a girl that gets spooked I say no a ton to people getting all up in her face.
We are training , have an amazing vet/ behaviorist and are on the way to see one of the best aggression trainers in North America this month.
This is manageable and pup can have a happy safe life.
Love, time and patience can heal and make life workable.

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