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Old 12-29-2005, 08:52 AM   #58
YT 1000 Club Member
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Posts: 1,194

Originally Posted by wnalegria
The family here on YT do care about each other. In any family you will have disagreements. It would be a boring and uncaring world if we did not voice our thoughts and concerns.

The problem with print is that you can not see the other persons expression or tone of voice when they print. The posting may be of a different thought then yours but no offense is meant. It is just they way the words look in print. Some of us may not choose the right words. Some of us are a little more on the vocal side- others on the mellow side and our words will show that side of us.

Some topics are our passion. Everyone has a topic ( not just the ones here on YT) that raise the blood pressure and make you want to debate and make your point.

I like to read articles that are pertinent to our topics. I do have problems when members represent a written article as LAW because they have cut and pasted it on the website. For every one of those articles- one can be found that states a different point of view. Some members will cut and paste sections of different articles to make a new article that states their point of view. Wish I could learn to do this cut and paste thing.

Do we all do things the same. NO. We all raise our dogs in a individual manner.
Some of us let our dog sleep in bed some don't. Some place clothes on the dog some don't. Some ou us show and or breed others don't. Some feed very expensive dog food some don't. Some breed dogs larger then the standard some don't. Some breed little dogs some don't. Some use handlers to show some don't. Some have websites some some don't. Some advertise on the internet some don't. The list can go on and on about the diversity on the website. There is room for all of us.

Will I always agree with my best friend on here NO. Do we debate- Oh yea- we go at it on certain topics. We share our thoughts- we argue and we debate. Do we take offense at each other- heavens no. Sometimes I win- Sometimes she has made a good point and she wins. Other times we both say Nah- I am still doing it my way. Good point is that we shared thoughts, ideas and experiences. Things that we might not have know about or thought of before. We both learned from the experience and have a common respect for each other.

The thing to remember is that if you are on this website you are here for one reason only- YOUR LOVE AND PASSION FOR THE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. Overall there is more positive then negative. When you make a post asking a question be prepaerd when you ask for a honnest answer. You will get many- some you will like some you won't. You asked for our thoughts and we are giving them to you. If we did not care we would not respond. If you did not care you would not have asked.

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